39| Stupidity & Giving in

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She could be heaven or hell. A strong man's dream and a weak one's nightmare

"What are you doing here?" My voice came out confused, but guarded as I reached them, perched right by my dorm

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"What are you doing here?" My voice came out confused, but guarded as I reached them, perched right by my dorm. The stillness of the hallway was covered with silence, only getting broken by my footsteps against the slate floor.

He turned to look at me and I quickly recognized Dean and the other guy standing beside, a little less muscular than him and thinner, almost soft.

Looking at him, it was hard to believe that his company choice would be someone like Dean, but again, sometimes we need someone with an opposite nature than us, to complete ourselves.

Dean smirked at me wickedly, when he said "I hope you have not forgotten me, because I surely do remember you"

"Of course not, it's hard to forget such an ugly face like yours" I snorted, but there was irritation behind my words. It's like their mere existence irritated me.

"You better watch that bitchy mouth of yours, now that you are alone" The other guy said, emphasizing alone.

I rolled my eyes, crossed my arms over my chest "Funny of you to think that. Just because I am alone doesn't mean, I am weak. After all, not everybody is cowardly like you" My voice was ice frost, when I retorted.

A snarled left his mouth, poisonously darting towards me "Don't test me. You don't know what I can do," He gritted.

"Why would I want to? I already know, you are fucking useless. By the way, I didn't see you at the match, today. Wonder why is that." I didn't bother hiding my smirk, when I noticed his jaw ticking.

I ignored them and shoved my hand in my back pocket to take out the keys. Fiddling with them, I began to walk towards the door, when a hand roughly caught my arm and pulled me back with much force.

"I am not done with you" His throaty voice shook the empty hallway as his stormy eyes pinned me.

Rage coursed through my veins, straight to my mind and I swatted his hand, freeing myself from his grip and glared at him in menace.

"If you ever try to put your dirty hands on me again, I'll cut them into small pieces and feed to wild dogs" My voice was laced with unshackle fury and every word coming out of my mouth felt like a threat in it's own.

He didn't look fazed by my anger, not at all, when he took a step closer "Ooh anger entice me. Tell me, that's the best you can do?"

I didn't back up, just stood there with a fire lightening my soul and a hazardous glare directed towards them.

"Just tell me, why are you here?" I asked, demandingly.

"You remember that little stunt you pulled in the cafeteria, to save that failure friend of yours?" My jaw clenched at his words and he dared to continue "Well, guess what? We want something little, called revenge. Or well, it depends to you, if you are willing to offer something else in return"

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