25| Apologies & Unconsciousness

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She was an angel that made even the devil want to get to heaven

Warm breeze brushed my skin lovingly as I stirred uncomfortably in my deep slumber, but the peace was soon gone and my eyes shot open, when I felt something crawling on my left leg

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Warm breeze brushed my skin lovingly as I stirred uncomfortably in my deep slumber, but the peace was soon gone and my eyes shot open, when I felt something crawling on my left leg. What the

Letting out a loud shriek, I quickly got up, examining my leg and took a deep breath when I saw nothing but just tiny strands of grass.

Adjusting my vision in the bright light, I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, before looking around.

Soft sunlight covered the empty field in it's embrace, the wind gushed around running through the grass. Last night's memories came in my mind knocking as I tilted my head to see him sleeping peacefully beside me.

Laying flat on his back, he was wandering in the dreamland with his arm covering the serenity of his face and the other one resting on his stomach. I was staring at the sleek mess of his hair, when realization punched me in the face.

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" I yelled, suddenly making him jolt in his sleep.

Letting out a guttural groan, he rubbed his eyes, then glanced at me "What do you want, Snow?"

He closed his eyes again, trying to get rid of sleepiness in them as I spoke up "What time is it?"

Sighing, he lazily sat up on the ground and looked at me pouting, before fishing out his phone from his pocket.

"10:23 AM" He told me.

Well done, Winter. You missed your classes. Not just only one, but somehow you managed two. Would you like a reward for that?

"Fucking hell" I cursed under my breathe, getting up from the ground and dusted my shorts, removing the dust. I didn't even recovered from the after effects, when he let out in his deep raspy morning voice "Fucking hell, indeed"

"What happened to you, now?" I asked him, giving a bored expression, running my fingers through my wavy hair.

"I have a class at 10:30" He mumbled, then scrunched up his nose ruffling his hair with his hand.

"Then what the fuck are you waiting for? Get up! I already missed mine" I growled at him.

Leisurely, he turned his head analyzing his surroundings, then looked at me and raised his hand towards me. Shaking my head, I understood his message and reached out, grabbing his hand.

Pushing himself off, he stood up on his feet and let out a yawn, stretching.

"Doesn't matter now. It's like a 30 minutes drive" He murmured, showing me a lazy dazzling smile.

His eyes filled with amusement as I ordered him in a cold voice "Then, what are you waiting for? Just get in the driver's seat already, geez"

I walked towards the car standing not so far, when I heard his velvety voice speak "Are you always this nice in the mornings?"

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