9| Morning & Consequences

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She is a thunderstorm wrapped in a beautiful flesh

Looking to be felt and understood in a world that loves sunny days

Looking to be felt and understood in a world that loves sunny days ❞

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Voices. Few voices echoing and footsteps running here and there frantically, broke my magical sleepy spell.

I groaned softly shifting closer towards the source, which was giving me warmth and a sense of security. I felt the arm that was wrapped around my waist tighten.

Slowly, I opened my eyes and instantly froze as I saw Ethan's face just a few inches away from mine. Mellow lips slightly parted releasing soft snores, thick eyelashes resting comfortably against his cheeks, giving him an adorably angelic look.

Stop staring! I scolded myself and quietly tried to wriggle from his tight grip.

A slow rumble left his mouth as his eyes fluttered open. Mesmerizing hazel eyes filled with daze bored into mine. For a moment, I actually forgot to breathe, it just didn't seem important at the time. Nothing did.

"Good morning" He mumbled smiling lazily, his Groggy voice indicating that he was still drowsy.

"Yeah yeah, now can you move?" I coldly muttered, squirming due to lack of space between us.

He chuckled and removed his arm from my waist, rolling over. Sighing in relief, I quickly sat up and fixed my skirt which moved dangerously up in sleep.

Looking around the room, I saw my black heels on the floor besides Ethan's T-shirt. My head shot up towards the door when the doorknob jiggled slightly.

"It's locked" I heard a muffled noise, which I assumed was Nate.

"Yes! It is" I yelled and got up from the bed hurriedly, fixing my hair. We were going to have a long talk.



"Are you in there?" Behind my Ethan laughed quietly as I rolled my eyes at his stupid question.

"No, I went to fucking Narnia" I said picking up Ethan's Tee and threw it at him. Then, I began to put on my heels.

"Oh.. wait, What?"

"Just open the goddamn door. How are always this stupid?" I yelled frustratingly, but quickly shut my mouth when I heard another muffled noise.

"Is that Finn?" I asked quickly.

"Yep" Nate replied from the other side of the door, then silence followed.

"Do you plan to stay here?" I spoke coldly turning towards Ethan, who was still lying on bed. He closed his eyes, letting out a small yawn and slowly shook his head.

Suddenly the door creaked open. Revealing the two intruders, in their lazy attire and worn out expressions.

"Do you always leave people locked in your house?" I snarled at Finn. He just grunted in response.

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