23| Truth & Fears

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If chaos is a work of art, then her heart must be a masterpiece

Brightness, complete blinding brightness covered my vision as I took a step forward unknown of my surroundings

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Brightness, complete blinding brightness covered my vision as I took a step forward unknown of my surroundings. Then, slowly with air it started to fade away, the air swept away the cruel light, gracefully.

Confused, I looked around and saw flowers? So many gorgeous flowers decorated the ground with sheer greenery, the sound of water falling and droplets colliding with one another was clear to my senses. It was almost like a garden, except earth didn't have that beauty, didn't deserve it.

I glanced down and saw white feathery fluff, what was it, cotton? I didn't know, but whatever that was, it wasn't ground for sure. My eyes skimmed over everything, observing the heavenly surroundings.

Everything was blue, except that mysteriously gorgeous garden and that soft fur beneath my feet.

Gulping quietly, I hesitantly walked forward and suddenly loud laughter and talk rang in my ear. I remembered them, those sounds were familiar to my ears, and were engraved in my memories.

Turning around in a rush, I saw them, sitting so far away, laughing. My friends, the people very dear to me. Happiness enhanced their features as they talked quietly.

Where were we?

"Hey," I yelled, running towards them, but stopped when they moved far away from me. How?

Ignoring the ugly feeling, I sprinted towards their direction, but again they went farther away, they felt out of reach.

"Hey! I am here" I waved my hands desperately trying to catch their attention. A part of me died inside, when they didn't notice me.

A hope sparked, when suddenly those entrancing Hazel eyes found me. Feeling calm and happy inside, I walked towards him, but stopped in my place as he turned away his gaze, with a blank expression. As if he didn't see me there.

"You thought you could hide it, didn't you?" Hopeless tears shone in my eyes as I heard that whisper spoke, always trying to break me. Oh how it loved torturing me.

"They know now, everything you did, everything you hid. You think they would love you, didn't you? Tell me, how could someone love a monster?"

Ignoring those whispers telling ugly and sad truth, I ran towards them, towards the only familiar thing in that unfamiliar place.

"Can you not see me?" I asked, my voice begging, pleading them to notice me, understand me. Tears rolled out of my eyes as I kept running and running, but didn't reach them.

Suddenly, my foot stumbled as I fell on the ground, helpless. "Please" I whispered.

Weak in my body, I got up from the ground, tumbling and tired. A whimper left my lips, when I didn't saw them again.

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