5| Coincidences & Meeting

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And like the moon, she had a side of her so dark, that even the stars couldn't shine on it. She had a side of her so cold, that even the sun couldn't burn on it

 She had a side of her so cold, that even the sun couldn't burn on it❞

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"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Baffled, we both yelled in unison. How could it be possible? Ethan was here. How? Why?

"I asked first," Ethan said, giving me a bored expression and crossing his arms on his bare chest.

"And what made you think that I would answer you?" I growled at him.

"Do you guys know each other?" Suddenly Emma spoke up, reminding us of her presence.

instantly I turned towards her and ignored her useless question "How do you know him?" I asked coldly motioning towards Ethan, who was standing there with a sour expression.

Emma let out a chuckle a quiet chuckle "That's my baby brother" She cooed

"Stop it Ems! You are just four years older than me, not forty. Stop acting like Mom'' I heard Ethan grumbled from behind.

"Oh Shush! Come on Winter let's go inside" Emma grinned pushing Ethan away from the way and walked inside the house. Hesitantly I followed her in, I heard the front door slammed shut and moments later footsteps followed behind me.

The house was really gorgeous from inside too. Modern decoration with a slight bit of vintage touch. Just the perfect combination.

"Nice house" I commented. Emma beamed at me and said "Thanks"

"So tell me, how do you guys know each other?" She asked tilting her head and raised her perfectly trimmed eyebrow towards Ethan. I watched their sibling eye to eye conversation confused.

"We happen to have mutual friends" I heard Ethan mumbled

"Unfortunately" I muttered under my breath, while he narrowed his eyes at me. What bitch?

"So you guys are friends?" Emma looked at me then at Ethan in astonishment; her green eyes sparkling mischievously.

"More like acquaintances" I scoffed as I walked in although I didn't know where I was going and that wasn't even my house.

"Hey" I heard someone say, I looked up and saw a guy in grey sweatpants and an apron? He had quite built body as his raven black hair tousled lazily

"Hi baby" Emma came to his side and kissed him. Ah! must be her fiancé. I thought

I quickly turned my head in the opposite direction not wanting to see them eating each other's faces off. From the corner of my eyes I saw Ethan looking at me with an amused expression, decorating his face.

"Dave, this is Winter. Ethan's friend" Emma said gesturing towards me, then threw a wink in Dave's direction.

"What part of 'We are just acquaintances' You don't understand?' Ethan said, annoyed. The couple graciously ignored him, looking at me.

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