20| Drinks & Intoxicated

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She made broken look beautiful and strong look invincible.

She walked with the universe on her shoulders and made it look like a pair of wings

She walked with the universe on her shoulders and made it look like a pair of wings❞

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Millions of lights glistered as I stepped inside, among the crowd. A big chandler was hanging above in the middle, twinkling brightly and faint soothing music dissolved in the air.

The walls were pastel and palest pink colored and decorated with glitter. On the corner there was a big bar, filled with various drinks and champagne.

Men and women dressed in their best formal attire were talking, dancing and having fun.

The party was huge and magnificent. From the beautifully expensive decoration to the numerous varieties of cakes and sweets, to heavenly smell of dinner, everything was just perfect.

Even Emma and Dave standing there in the middle talking to an old woman, smiling and laughing represented Perfection.

Emma was dressed in a breathtaking soft pink gown, kind of similar color to the party decoration and a white elegant tiara rested on her head gently.

Her one hand was on her baby bump, wrapped in silk fabric and the other holding Dave's hand, who was standing there cladded in a grey suit.

"Man it's crazy, isn't it?" Maria asked and came by my side, fixing her hair.

"Damn right it is" I muttered, still taking the scene in, stunned.

"What are you waiting for? Let's enjoy the party" Finn cheered and walked further, pushing past me.

I glared at him as he turned around and winked, still walking with his back facing forward. He was grinning at us, when he lost his balance and collided with an old man.

Letting out a loud laugh, Nate quickly went by his side to his rescue. The scowl on that old man's face was hilarious as Maria tried to stifle her laughter.

"I want to dance," Kate beamed, looking at Theo and dragging him to the dance floor. With a bored expression I turned around but didn't find anyone except Ethan in sight.

"I want to go back," I commanded in an unexpressive tone.

"And I want to go to the moon. It ain't happening babe, time to accept it" He said teasingly.

"Words cannot describe my hatred towards you" I told him with a straight face and glanced around.

He rolled his eyes with a smile kissing his lips and spoke up "Oh come on! don't be a party pooper. It's good to enjoy sometimes"

I turned to him as he took a step closer and instantly a frown found in it's way on my face. He let out a quiet chuckle, lowering his head and ever so slowly took my hand in his.

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