36| Uninvited & Lunch

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❝ His smile created chaos in her heart and it always messed up her mind. But, it was also the same thing, which silenced the storms and calmed down every demon inside her, which always tried to tear her apart

Loud laughter and talks greeted me good morning as I stirred in my peaceful sleep, opening my right eye, I looked around and let out a sigh of contentment my body felt

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Loud laughter and talks greeted me good morning as I stirred in my peaceful sleep, opening my right eye, I looked around and let out a sigh of contentment my body felt. Now fully recovered from the bright light, I stretched my arms, reaching for my phone and checked the time.

My eyes widened, when I saw it was nearly three in the afternoon and blew out a breath out of surprise. Last night, I really did sleep peacefully and took what was mine from so long.

And no matter how hard I tried to convince myself, that it had nothing to do with him or his soothing voice that lulled me to sleep, deep down I knew, I was lying.

Getting up from my bed, I combed my hair with my fingers, trying to make sense out of that bird nest and frowned, when I again heard laughter from downstairs, knocking on my door. What's so funny?

Dragging myself to the bathroom, I took a long relaxing shower, calming my body down, releasing my stress and changing into a long and plain black T-shirt dress. Gathering my slightly damp hair in a loose bun, I fixed my bed smoothing out the crinkles.

Feeling chirpy and warm, I drew the satine curtains aside to welcome the light and warmth of the sun in and let them decorate the room with it's golden blaze.

Humming to myself a melody, I stepped downstairs, but abruptly stopped when I reached the living room. Not one, not two, but three. Three different voices, I knew exactly who was here.

Tiptoeing quietly, why was I tiptoeing again? I peeked in and saw Delia sitting there with Dad by her side. They were both laughing and talking to someone, craning my neck, I saw that someone sitting in front of them in the armchair.

I couldn't see his face, but could make out his clear posture, that navy blue V neck T-shirt clinging to his crafted body, moving over his broad shoulders with sleeves rolled up to his elbow. His luscious hair looked as silky as ever, he looked don't say it tempting..

His laughter rang loudly and I instantly recognized that voice. That fucking voice.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?" I barged inside the living room, interrupting them.

He turned to meet my eyes, mine glaring, while his were calm and mischievous and he smirked at me.

"You could've told us, that you two had a fight and that's why you decided to come here"

"Now, I know the reason behind your sudden appearance"

I whirled towards my elders, quite keen to discuss my life with a gaping mouth "What are you guys talking about?" I asked them, incredulously.

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