41| Away & Advices

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She is a mermaid, but approach her with caution. Her mind swims at depth, most people would drown in

 Her mind swims at depth, most people would drown in❞

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I stared at the ceiling, feeling my throat burn as my lungs took in the familiar sickly addictive smoke from that tobacco stick, between my fingers, later releasing, while watching it dance in the air in freedom, before it faded.

It had been what, minutes? hours? days? God knew, with me laying there on my old bed in solitude just thinking.

At first it felt nice, but when that silence instead of giving me peace, robbed it all of me, it started to suck. God, I was dying to see her, it was pathetic.

For a dumbest second of my life, I had thought being with her was hard. But, when I found myself all on my own, slowly feeling sanity leave my system, I had realized, being without her was the worst. It was like hell on earth.

I craved her. Craved to see her gorgeous face, stare into those fierce yet vulnerable oceanic eyes, touch her, hold her and if she would let me maybe even kiss her.

It was frustrating. So fucking frustrating. One moment, I knew her better than myself and the other, I didn't.

Every time I felt like we were getting close, she would run miles away from me, always leaving me, wondering If I ever began taking steps towards her.

I didn't knew what was worse, her shutting down or her blowing up?

I sighed, before exhaling out the smoke, it's smell covering me like second skin. It's pretty ironic, how the things that kill us, makes us feel the most alive.

My eyes wavered towards the bedroom door when a knock interrupted my thoughts.

"Hey, honey. You awake?" Mom's cheerful voice called out.

Quickly sitting up, I crushed the cigarette in the ashtray on my bedside table and ran a hand through my hair, before replying "Yeah. Come on in"

I watched as Mom opened the door, before sliding in with a warm smile, but soon it turned into a frown.

"You were smoking again." She stated without a surprise, before walking up to the window and opening the blinds.

"Sorry. I tried my best not to," I mumbled feeling ashamed and stared at her back, wanting to meet her eyes.

With soft features and believing glint, she turned around and relieved me by saying "It's alright. I am sure you did. But, try a little harder next time."

Cracking a small smile at her, I nodded, then rested my head against the headboard and closed my eyes feeling lightheaded. Her mere presence was like a hug.

"You have been locked in this room for five days. Is something wrong?" Her concerned words pulled me out.

Furrowing my eyebrows, I opened my eyes in shock. Five days? That long? Great, I have officially lost it.

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