28| Long walks & Realization

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She's strong cup of black coffee in a world

that is drunk on the cheap wine of shallow love

The moonlight glistened, lightening our way and the hushed song of silence in the air got broken by our quiet steps marching down the street

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The moonlight glistened, lightening our way and the hushed song of silence in the air got broken by our quiet steps marching down the street.

Staring above at the dark sky where the stars were almost invisible, I walked ahead with my eyebrows virtually kissing each other.

"Keep staring like that and you'll might distract an Alien or two" His deep husky chuckle echoed from behind.

Rolling my eyes, I tilted my head to the side to look at his shimmery eyes and said "How mature. Who even believes in Aliens?"

He snorted before letting out "Clearly not me. But I love to read about them and sometimes, unsolved mys-"

"Mysteries, murders and conspiracy theories?" I offered

Now, falling into steps by my side he looked at me with surprise "Whoa. Well yeah" He breathed.

Catching those sneaky rays of light flashing on his face, I nodded in acknowledgment "Me too. I love to read them, especially mysteries. They make me feel better"

Chuckling quietly to himself, he asked "What's your favorite book then?"

I felt our shoulders brush with a gentle caress as we walked side by side, ignoring the funny tingling sensation, I answered "I really like The Gone girl and Then There Were None. Currently, I am reading Murder on the Orient Express. Agatha is good, gotta give her that. What about you?"

He looked thoroughly impressed as he stared at me, before speaking "She sure is. I love The Murder of Roger Ackroyd and The Cuckoo's Calling. Planning to read Six suspects. if I get free time, that is"

Humming in response, I nodded. My eyes automatically go towards the sky, in search of those small blazing pearls and their proud keeper.

"You are obsessed with them" His voice, pulled me back from the sky and kept me there beside him.

"With what?"

"Stars or just night sky in general?"

I turned towards him with a frown, his gelled hair looked faintly glossy making me want to run my fingers through those silky strands. Snap out of it "Yeah. I guess, you can say that"

Even our steps were in the same rhythm, creating an unmusical beat. He raised an eyebrow at me with a question and asked "Why though?"

I felt a slight pain, burning up my toes, clearly walking in heels was not for me as I shrugged "I don't know for sure, though I can go whole night talking about my fascination towards the stars, but I don't want to s-"

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