47| Phone calls & Meeting

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She was an abandoned paradise. Wrecked and scary. 

The silence she held around her pierced even the darkest nights and the toughest hearts.

I almost growled loudly, asking "Why the hell are you calling me and how did you get my number?"

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I almost growled loudly, asking "Why the hell are you calling me and how did you get my number?"

Her voice sent chilling tremor through my body, but it wasn't harsh and snarling like before, almost soft and pleading "I want to see you."

"But, I don't want to, leave me alone." I replied, faintly.

"Please—please Winter, just hear me out. Let me explain everything, let me see you and please, let me... apologize."

If I hadn't backed up against the wall, I would've fallen on my knees, completely shattered on the ground.

Just by hearing her speak, hearing her voice brought so many unwanted memories and heart ache, that I feared I wouldn't be able to get back up again, if I fell this time.

"How come? Why so sudden... after all this?" My voice was cracking slowly and I knew, so was my defense.

I feared that If anything went wrong, then it wouldn't be her that I would be disappointed by, it would be me. I would be my own disappointment.

"Because I don't think, I can live any longer with you hating me so much. I am not going to say that I understand what you've been through, because I don't. Nobody understands that better than you baby, but I know that you've been through worse... like me. I just want you to see me, just like I've been craving to."

With every word spoken, she was tearing up my wall like a paper and I knew, goddamn, it was going to hurt so much.

"What.. what if I refuse?" I told her, but deep down things were already slipping right through my fingers.

"Then I am ready to beg, beg for you to listen and then, beg for forgiveness" When I heard her taking a deep breath and sniffling, I knew she was already crying, begging me in a way words couldn't.

I closed my eyes, trying to stop the tears and watched everything cross over my eyelids, like a movie without an ending. Could I do this? Could I once again put my trust in her hands, hoping she wouldn't break it?

After a crackling silence, I spoke up "Okay"


"I'll see you. Do you remember the cafe we first met at? I'll be there in twenty minutes and I hope you will too."

Not wanting to hear anything anymore, I disconnected the call and shoved my phone back in my pocket, with a sigh. Then, my eyes searched for him.

Far at the corner, I found him with a face towel in his hand and without putting any thought, I ran to him. Running away from my troubled thoughts, I ran towards him.

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