35| Midnight & Whispers

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Every night, she sings lullabies to her burdens and fears, because that's what has to be done.

The demons have to fall asleep, before she can

Somewhere in between that long night, my phone started buzzing at the nightstand, startling me with it's sudden noise, pulling my eyes away from the window, I reached out to grab it

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Somewhere in between that long night, my phone started buzzing at the nightstand, startling me with it's sudden noise, pulling my eyes away from the window, I reached out to grab it.

"Disappearing without letting people know is your definite skill, isn't it?" His soft voice, wrapped around me like a warm blanket, taking me away from the cold night air.

"Well, hello to you too."

His chuckle swirled, before he rasped out "Hey, sorry to disturb you. Were you asleep?"

"No, I am always awake at 3 AM," I muttered as I rolled over to glance at the clock, to see those shining digits.

"Yeah, no need to be sarcastic" But the thing is, I wasn't.

"So, what did you call me?" I asked him, settling comfortably with a pillow, hugging close to my side.

"No reasons, to be honest. Just felt like it." His honeyed voice, did things to my body and it made me feel dizzy. He was so unexpected, I really didn't expect him or his effects on me.

"Well, how was your day?" Hesitant yet confidently, I inquired. Trying to keep the conversation going and going, until I turn into a goner.

I heard his breath, exhaled out gently, then some shuffling sound followed. I pictured him, laying on his bed, his naked torso against those messy sheets, his firm arm dangling on the side, while the other holding the phone pressed up against his ear, faint light highlighting his breathtaking features.

"It was good, I guess, kinda boring, but I survived. What about you?"

I rolled my eyes, but couldn't bother to hide the small smile, finding its way on my lips "It was.. nice"

"Just nice? Well, I am not surprised. Must be hell without me. Tell me, did ya missed me?" His voice oozed cockiness, but it was gentle and humble. My heart thud against my ribs loudly, trying to be free.

"Yes, I did. I missed you just as much as I miss my dead cat," I replied nonchalant, not wanting my real feelings to creep up my throat and satisfy his cruel curiosity.

"Let me guess, you never had a cat?"

His quiet husky laugh touched my ear drums, caressing, just as I said "Exactly" and I felt myself, letting out a satisfied sigh.

Then, silence fell into our brisk intimacy, filling all the gaps, that were left blank. But, as the silence stretched, I started to get anxious

"You are not going to hang up, are you?" I asked him, maybe, just maybe there was a hint of plea in my tone, but I ignored it and hoped he would too.

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