6| Thursday & Plans

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They watched as she danced in the flames and they wondered, why she wasn't burnt?

And she would glance at them and ponder, How they coped with the cold

And she would glance at them and ponder, How they coped with the cold ❞

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"So, are you and Ethan hooking up?"

I choked on my saliva as soon as those horrible and poisonous words left Kate's mouth. I didn't even want to know how she got that idea.

"What the fuck? Is this for real? Dude! You never told me" Maria yelled in bewilderment, looking at me wide eyed. Those girls really knew how to make a big deal out of nothing.

"No!" I coughed, wiping my mouth. "What the hell? We are not hooking up"

"Really?" Maria asked, visible disappointment flashing on her face.


"But, Theo said that he had seen you guys yesterday; together" Kate explained. God damn! Where the fuck he saw us? It's not like we went somewhere or something.

"Oh.. trust me, that was nothing. Forget it" I muttered dismissively in a cold tone and hoped she wouldn't start the conversation again.

It was Thursday afternoon. After we finished our classes and tests, me and the girls were walking to the cafeteria. Where the rest of the gang was waiting, no doubt.

"I am in the mood for some Liquor" Maria groaned, dragging her slow feet lazily.

She was right though, in such warm weather like that, nothing sounded better than some icy - cold drinks.

"You are always in the mood for liquor" Kate snorted, bumping her shoulder with Maria and grinned.

Shaking my head at my two best friends, I entered the cafeteria, approaching our table, with probably a tired and done look.

"A B C D E F G. Gummy bears are chasing me. One is red, one is blue, one is peeing on my shoe. Now, I am running for my life, cause the red one's got a knife" Nate sang loudly as he took out some gummy bears from the big packet and filled his mouth.

"What the hell are you doing? Do you even know, how bad is that for your health?" Finn asked, rolling his eyes and snatching the gummy bear's packet from Nate's hand.

"Not really, but I love them, so it's fine" He spoke up, mouth full of soft and colorful candies and took the packet from Finn.

He let out a tired sigh looking at him "Why did I even bother? Remind me, why am I friends with you again?"

"Because you love how amazing I am,"Nate countered with a cheeky grin, fishing out a hand full of gummy bears.

"Funniest joke, I've heard today. Next please" Finn snorted and again snatched the packed from his hand, roughly. What are they? primary school kids?

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