55| Anticipation & Victory

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❝And the moon taught her, the art of breathing through eclipse

A thick cloud of humidity scorched, but, everyone was too engrossed in the game to even care about that

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A thick cloud of humidity scorched, but, everyone was too engrossed in the game to even care about that. The croaky voice of the announcer, continuously shouting the scores and comments through the mic and cheers ringing in the gym, did wonders to raise everyone's spirit.

For the first time, I was excited to be there, to watch their match and stand in the bleachers to show my support, wearing Ethan's jersey.

Maria had given me the dirtiest look she possessed when she saw me, but, I didn't give her a single fuck, because I was floating on a cloud of bliss.

The place was packed with students and family members, buzzing and buzzing. Students from the other colleges were there too, supporting the rival team. Although, some girls just screamed without caring which team got the point as long as they saw a hot guy scoring.

On my feet, I too cheered for the team and felt a grin tugged on my lips when Ethan noticed me in the bleachers and winked at me. Pretty sure, my heart forgot to beat for a second.

"You guys are so cute, it's almost disgusting" Maria snorted, clearly catching our little exchange.

"I don't see anyone asking for your opinion" I rolled my eyes, though still rocking the smile and yelled when Finn snatched the ball.

"Whatever. But now, you look hot as fuck when you are happy or maybe that's because you are just thoroughly fucked"

"You are full of crap" Lamely I muttered, giving her a death glare, but I knew my cheeks were heating up and her growing smirk was a confirmation.

"Whoa, dude. Are you blushin'? Must be all tha--"

"One more word and I'll fucking forget, you are my best friend" I growled under my breath.

Maria let out a laugh and said "Calm down tiger. You'll be needing all that energy when you are fin-"

Her words came to a stop when she took in my scowl as she raised her hand and gesture to zip her lips, but, her eyes were still swimming in a pool of amusement.

"I fucking hate you sometimes"

"Keep lying to yourself, baby"

Maria was laughing to herself, apparently taking a rise out of me was her new favorite game. She had been spending too much time with Ethan.

Since when did they become all buddy-buddy?

"Y'know if Ethan was out of the picture, I would've shipped you guys" Sharon's voice chimed from the back as Kate groaned, muttering something in-between game and bitches

Poor girl was trying her best to focus on the game.

That made Maria smirk bigger, "Told you we are fucking adorable together, too bad you don't roll that way"

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