57| Unveiling & Exposure

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❝ Now, do not misunderstand me; when I call her a shell

I mean- a used up bullet casing

as in the aftermath of something lethal

as in an echo of inflicted evil 

The sharp pain hammered in my head, a constant pounding in my skull

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The sharp pain hammered in my head, a constant pounding in my skull. Squeezing my eyes, I raised my hand to touch my forehead, but something tightly wrapped around my wrists stopped me from move.

My body felt light as a feather and my strangled breathing ticked like a clock of doom in silence. Leisure movement of footsteps against the pavement screeched against my ears. Someone was there pacing back and forth in a hauntingly gentle manner.

Uncertain of my surroundings, I opened my eyes slowly and the sudden flash of light stung my vision. I blinked few times to adjust to the brightness, it's like I was waking up from an eternal long sleep, except more numb and completely drained.

"Thank god, you are finally awake, I was beginning to worry"

That voice. I knew that voice even though I spent my entire life trying to forget it. That voice, the owner of that voice tinted some of my horrible memories.   

Gulping down the dread and gust of air, my eyes fell on his brown boots as he stepped closer towards me, before trailing up to take in his frame, I really hoped for me to be wrong, to have that person turned out to be someone else, but just as my eyes reached his face, it's like all the air was knocked out of me.

He had the same inky black hair and eyes the most lethal I had seen. That smile on his face was wide and deadly, I never wanted to see him again. Ran from his sight and cursed his presence in my life but like a bad dream, he was back to haunt me.

He crouched down to be at my eye level and I got the chance to look at him closely and bemoaned the truth, "Long time no see, darling"

His voice, his face, his entire existence set a fire in my head and those words only added the fuel in it.

"What are you doing here, Dylan?",  Just as I raised my voice, my throat dry as a desert seized and I started coughing. 

"Be careful. You're not completely conscious",  He whispered in a soft tone.

I wanted to pounce at him, finally take out the anger I harbored for him for so long, but I was tied and weak. The rope knotted around my wrists had my hands hostage behind my back and the cord binding my legs forbid them to budge.

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