7| Party & Surprises

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❝She is an old soul with a new style, who wears black and speaks her mind.

So powerful, she leaves her print on everyone she touches, because she is both: A savage and a sweetheart ❞

So powerful, she leaves her print on everyone she touches, because she is both: A savage and a sweetheart ❞

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Parties are nothing but just feral, untamed messes. Especially college parties, they are all about drugs, loud music, drunken students, lot's of stupid and bad decisions and future full of regrets.

They knew or maybe they didn't, that whatever it was going on, it wasn't going to lead them anywhere except some stranger's bed or maybe even jail?

I liked parties and having fun, but hated the unnecessary problems it would bring. But no matter how hard I've tried not to come, that idiotic excuse of human Finn would've brought me here anyway.

And so, here I was standing in front of a beautiful house with dancing dim lights coming from inside and cheers echoing in the quiet night air.

"Why do I feel like my dress is a little loose?" Maria said frustratingly, getting out of the car.

She was wearing a tight gold shimmer dress, hugging her curves perfectly reaching at her mid thigh. Her brown hair was curled and hanging loosely on her shoulders. Everybody told her that she looked great and it was true, but that stupid girl couldn't get this through her thick stubborn skull.

"It's perfect Mar! Stop complaining" Kate commented coming by her side and fixing Maria's hair.

Kate wasn't much of a whole dress up type of girl, but tonight she was looking breathtaking as well, in her deep pink off shoulder dress. Her blonde hair was tied up in a bun. No doubt, Theo was going to have a hard time, keeping his hands to himself.

"But it's kind of-" Maria began to say as I quickly interrupted her coldly.

"Seriously Girl! Shut up, you've got more issues than fucking Vogue"

She glared at me and without hesitating a bit, I glared at her in return. Our eye to eye fights were stopped by Sharon's voice.

"You girls look absolutely stunning"

I tilted my head and saw Sharon making her way towards us, in her simple white dress. Some kind of silver belt on her waist and white stiletto. A bright smile dancing on her lips, matching that sparkly glint in her eyes.

Wow! These girls really took their time to get ready, I thought amused.

Now that I think about it. I was the only one who didn't pay any second thought to what I would wear or should wear.

I just grabbed my black top, pairing it with a black skirt and completed my outfit with black heels, at least I tried. My hair left unbothered and there was hardly any makeup on my face, except the dark lipstick.

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