48| Secrets & The Truth

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❝ She locked herself away and didn't give anyone a key

She didn't even say goodbye and was swallowed by a sea❞ 

"Wha-what?" The words barely left my mouth in a weak voice

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"Wha-what?" The words barely left my mouth in a weak voice. The room started spinning and the voices around me were fading, slowly fading into nothingness.

With eyes still glossy from the pain, she looked down at the table and began "As much as I hate myself for telling you this, it's true."

I sucked in a breath, but it couldn't even move past my tongue and with every word of hers spoken, my fist tightened, trying to grasp something, trying to hold on.

"George, erm your father had gone to visit his friend on holidays once and due to my sudden sickness, I couldn't." When she stared up into my eyes, I knew I was not ready to hear anything, but she continued "When he was away and my sickness continued, I called my friend and she suggested me to take a pregnancy test and it was... it was positive."

"I was pregnant with Claire. I was happy and nervous, it was our first child. I couldn't wait for your father to come back, then break the news. But when he got back, he wa-was not the same, I don't know what changed, but he was acting and being so.. different?"

The distressed and broken expression on her face churned my stomach, twisting it mercilessly, she was reminiscing a painful memory, wasn't she?

"He didn't look at me, never met my eyes. Everyday, every moment I asked him what had happened, what was wrong, but he never said anything. He became rigid and jumpy, every time I was around and you know, how he reacted when I told him about the pregnancy?"

"He didn't say anything. Not a single smile or happy glint in his eyes, all there was paleness and guilt. Though, I didn't know that I was about to know the reason behind it so soon."

She inhaled a shaky breath, before resuming in a faint voice.

"Just a week later after George's return, a woman showed up at the door. She was really pretty, quite young and.. she claimed to be pregnant with George's child. You"

Tears like burning acid welled up my eyes and my throat seized, when a lone tear slid down her cheek.

"I was devastated and shocked, feeling betrayed, when George didn't deny anything. I don't know what I was expecting, but when he admitted everything and told me ho- how he drunkenly spent his night with that woman, I was hurt, extremely hurt. The thought that I was patiently waiting for him to return, missing him, he was there with her, made me sick."

"I wanted to leave him, but that time, my love won over my hurt. He apologized and begged me to forgive him, telling me how he would spend his entire life making amends and I gave in, because I loved him, just like I knew he loved me too. It was a mistake, he told me over and over again"

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