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(Macy's P.O.V)

I woke up with my head pounding. I tried to sit up but an awful feeling was in my stomach. I looked around in this unfamiliar room, it was nice and modern. The bed I was laying on had a white cushioned frame, it would have to be a queen size. A tv sat on a tall boy in the corner next to a white love seat. This room was what I dreamed about having, maybe that's what this is. I looked down at the clothes I was now dressed in, I had been changed from what I was in.

When I slide off the bed pain shot through my shoulder. I was quick to remove the short to view what the source was. I bandage was wrapped on my shoulder and the worst part was, I was no longer wearing a bra.

"Son of a bitch." I huffed pulling the shirt back on. I got off the bed and walked to the door, turning the knob it was locked. "Perfect."

I turn around to face the bed, above it had a massive painting. A yellow and black eagle spread it's wings with the moonlight behind it. It was different, nothing I had ever seen before. A window about as narrow as my forearm sat on either side of the painting. It had black curtains with a white swirl on them. Walking up to them I pulled the curtains back to see what floor I was on, or if it was possible to squeeze through. To my surprise they were boarded with wooden boards, I sighed as I closed the curtains and sat back on the bed.

With no idea what time it was, or day, I was starting to get annoyed. I throw myself back on the bed and look up at the ceiling. A grey ceiling fan sat directing on top of the bed. I could see dust slowly taking it's place on the blades. Rolling over I spotted a chest against the furtherest wall. Near the chest was another door, so as you do I went over and explored. The door opened up to a huge walk in wardrobe, clothes of all different colours hung in place. I noticed the popular colour was black and white, there was also one to many suits for someone as strange as Harry. Shoes, all different kinda were placed on the floor and as I walked further in I noticed another wardrobe. It was shut tight and had it's own light hanging above it. The closer I got to it the more I felt sick. I started imagining what could possibly be inside.

I reached forward and turned the knob, it was open. Pulling the door open I felt uneasy. Women's clothes, they looked old and unworn. I couldn't imagine why he had a collection of clothes, but then a thought came to mind.

I was quick to close the door and back away out of the room. The thought of people actually wearing these when Harry killed then made me sick. I had to get out of here, no matter what it takes.

"You found my collection." I turned quickly on my heels and spotted Harry on the edge of the bed.

"Why?" I questioned. I knew I wouldn't get a proper answer, but it was worth a try. I stayed against the wall, even when he did stand up and take a step forward.

"Wouldn't want them to go to waste." A smug look was on his face as he looked up at me. I wanted to move back, to get away from him but he only moved closer.

"When can I go home?" I asked when he was just inches away from me. He smelt like cinnamon, mixed with herbs.

"Home?" Harry looked at me confused. "Darling you won't be going home," He closed the gap and ran his hands through my hair. "This is your home." His voice tickled my ear as he spoke. I squirmed as he touched my shoulder, it was still so painful.

I closed my eyes in hope that he would leave, or drag me back down to that basement. Anything would be better then being here. The room was quiet, only the sound of our breathing could be heard. Harry's touch was no longer there, opening my eyes I noticed his green ones. A chuckle left his lips at the sound of my stomach. Fuck.

"Not hungry ay," Harry ran a hand through his hair and walked over to the door. Standing there he held out his hand. "Let's go."

Shaking my head I looked at the trunk against the wall. I heard a sigh coming from Harry's direction.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way, so let's go." Anger took over his voice. I looked at him from the corner of his eye. I knew I shouldn't test his patients, but then again I wasn't going to let him run all over me.

I gave in though, when I saw a single movement from Harry I was quick to stand by his side. He allowed me to walk freely, not touching me in anyway. The house was nice inside I must admit, everything about it was modernised. I had only remembered the outside of the house, it was old and had that redneck feeling to it.

Walking into the kitchen was Ashton. I remember his dirty blonde hair from the store. He looked up as we entered and I noticed his eyes were darker then usual. Annoyance was plastered on his face, he didn't like that I was here.

"Ashton you remember Macy." It was Harry that broke the silence. I gave him a smile, I wasn't completely sure why, he was just as disgusting as Harry was.

"She's been here far to long Harry." Ashton said with disgust. I watched as he stood up and left the room. I felt rejected and just wanted to break down in tears.

"Don't worry to much about him," Harry said opening the fridge. I looked around, I then vaguely remember being in here. "Sit down." He ordered. He had taken me out of my thoughts. I didn't think twice before sitting down.

"How long have you been like this?" I asked. I wanted to believe he hadn't spent his whole life being the monster he was. I could imagine him as a child being fed someone.

"How long do you think?" Answering a question with a question, I wasn't with my shrink. I rolled my eyes and looked threw the window. The moonlight was shinning against a small water tank that had outside.

"I hope you don't expect me to eat anything you've killed today." I say. I watch Harry tense up as he does something on the bench.

"I don't," It was like a low husky groan the way he spoke. He turned around with food on a plate and sat it in front of me. "But if you don't eat it, I'm afraid it's back to the basement."

"What is it?" I ask. I already knew the answer, I just wanted to make sure. Harry wore a smug look on his face as he leaned against the bench. I was hungry, I needed food. I just hated the fact that this is what was being offered. The thought of eating someone made me sick, but I could spend another night in the cold basement.

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