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Ashton walked away with 5 stitches and some pain killers after five hours of being in the hospital. All I heard on the way home was how he wa going to make Macy pay and if I didn't do anything shit will explode.

Getting back Ashton stormed straight upstairs and I waited until he was out of sight before seeing if act was awake.

"Harry?" Macy said as I opened the door. The light had came into the room so it was to bright.

"I'm very disappointed." I said helping her stand up.

"I know, I'm terribly sorry Harry." Macy said.

"That's not good enough Macy, we've fallen behind schedule and Ashton want you punished." I didn't want to be an arse but she didn't stab Ashton. I dragged her to the room next to the kitchen and shut the door behind me. I hadn't used this room for a long time and I knew the sight of it scared Macy.

"No, please Harry." Tears were streaming from her face as she fell to her knees.

"I'm sorry Macy." I gave her one last look before leaving her in the room. I didn't want to keep her in there, it's a girls worst nightmare.

. . .

"Go easy on her." I said to Ashton as I leaned on the door frame that lead I to his room. The blonde girl was asleep laying next to him on the bed. Ashton got up and followed me out the door, locking it on the way out.

"Can't promise anything, maybe I'll make her bleed like she did to me." Ashton said with that devilish grin.

Let me know when your finished." I said walking to my bedroom, I turned to Ashton walk downstairs and shut the door.

(Ashton's P.O.V)

Honestly I was glad Harry had kept someone with the guys to stab me and couldn't bring myself to harm her. It was easier the last few years to bring pain to someone he loved but this time was different. I made my way into the room, well aware that Harry would be up in his room for the next hour. I had to think of something and quick.

In the room Macy sat in the corner hugging her knees. I closed the door behind me and took a seat on the chair.

"Not the best room to be in right?" I said actually admiring the all the different body parts in jars as well as a tank full of blood.

"Please don't hurt me, I'm sorry."

"Your sorry?" I questioned Macy. "Well that's good, makes my job a hell lot easier."

"What do you mean?" Macy asks looking up at me.

"Do you love Harry?" I ask standing up. She shakes her head and I walk closer to her. "The why are you playing this little game?"

"So it'll be easier for me around here." She confesses.

"Well Harry's probably passed out or trying to block out screams that aren't coming any time soon, so why don't you leave." I tried to say it as calmly as I could.


"I'm letting you and don't worry to much about Harry, I'll handle him." I said helping her stand.

"Is this a joke?"

"No, I'm actually sick of having you around and I can't stand Harry being happy." I walked her to the door to show her I wasn't going to hurt her. She turned and smiled in my direction as she slipped on a pair of boots. "You have an hour before he realises and if he goes mental and comes for you, you'll know times up."

(Macy's P.O.V)

I didn't look back. As soon as Ashton shut the doors behind me I legged it down the driveway. Even when my legs started to burn I kept running. I could different things in the bushes but ignored them. I wasn't going to stop until I hit a road or saw someone that could help me.

I knew how mad Harry would be when he finds out and made that another reason to run. If I get through this I could see my parents again, tell them everything and how much I miss them.

Ten minutes felt like an hour and when it reached an hour of me running I pretty much collapsed. I still haven't found a road or the sight of anyone. I then decided to follow any noise that I heard, anything that could lead me to someone other then those two boys.

Another mile I walked and I came across a car. I looked around to see if anyone was near before walking up to it. The left side door was open with keys on the ground. This could be a trick, I could be walking into my own death trap. I didn't care though, it was a ticket to get further away and I took it.

(Harry's P.O.V)

"So?" I asked Ashton when I saw him lounging on the couch.

"So what?"

"Are you satisfied?"

"Fully, the game is about to start and I've set this doll up but I just need to get the right voice." Ashton said sitting up and showing me the creepy doll.

"No I meant about Macy."

"What about her?"

"Where is she?"

"You know how I always told you she's been here way to long, yea well she's gone." It took me a second for Ashton's words sunk in. "I thought her trying to escape was a better punishment because you'd catch her."

"How long ago?"

"About an hour, now if you don't mind I'm going to finish this so the game can begin." I didn't bother talking to him any more, he has just made more work for me. What I can't believe is that Macy would just up and leave not knowing where she is.

I knew the next few hours was going to be long an tiring.

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|| I really love that you guys have read past the gory part of the story and there might be more coming but I'll let you know so you don't have to read it xx ||

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