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The day had been busy. I was looking forward to coming home, I can't believe I'm even thinking this. Her face is in my mind and I can't seem to shake her off. Looking at the time, I was running late.

"Do you get lonely out here?" I had picked up an escort while in town. It hadn't taken long, just drove down the grove street. There were a handful of them waiting around. I just wish she didn't talk.

"Yea you can say that." I lied. We don't get bored or lonely, we do have our ways.

"I don't usually do house visits, it's usually the back of a car or a hotel." Her voice was annoying. Her features were boring, brown hair and brown eyes. Her nose was to big for her face and there was nothing there to call lips. I'm sure with the way she makes money, the way she dresses and her annoying persona that no ones going to miss her.

When we get back to the house I lead her inside. Ashton has the place set up quite nice. Curtains were along the walls, the fire was warming up the room. I offered her a seat while I grabbed drinks from the kitchen.

"I've been watching you." I say with a wide smirk across my face. She's hopeless just sitting there, trying to keep her legs crossed. She goes to speak, buts it's almost like something's got a hold of her tongue.

"Why must you scare her." I look past her and see him standing against the wall. Like me, a smile is plastered on his face. I don't know what it is about women and the fear that runs through there veins that I like, maybe it's because their hearts beat faster.

"As a pose to making her feel warm and fuzzy." I laugh. It was funny knowing that he treats them with kindness before ending their pathetic lives.

"A women deserves to be shown love," He says walking closer to the couch she has been sitting on. "To be shown that a man does care."

"Your far from a man." I scoff. I can't believe it, he was about to take my catch with just the words I hear time after time.

"Maybe, but she doesn't know that," He says with a smile. I turn to the table and unwrap my sweet collection.

"Please, just let me go." She pleads. Oh how I love it when they plead.

"Sorry love, but your time here has only just begun." I say running a finger along my beauty.

"Well I'll leave you to it then shall I." He says walking towards the door he entered.

"Shouldn't take long, I wouldn't want to miss our reservations." I gesture. Turning on my heels I see sweat dripping from her forehead. Nothing but a smile on my face as I walk over and pick up the wine bottle.

"What are you going to do with me?" She asked. I laugh, there was no real reason to why she should be afraid.

"Oh darling, I'm going to do what I paid for." I let out a small chuckle before popping the cork of the bottle with the knife I had placed in my hand. When the cork popped off the wine went everywhere, finally a smile creased upon her beautiful lips. Just a few short hours and I'll be able to taste her and I do mean, taste her.

Carving her up was easy. I only had to remove her lower leg. I made sure it was a nice piece before throwing away what wasn't needed. It was simple and didn't require much cleaning. I had sat her leg on the bench in the kitchen while I helped Ashton place her body in the bag.

"You can reuse one of the holes when you bury her." I said zipping up the bag. Ashton was annoyed, I guess you can say he always was whenever he had to bury someone.

"When are you going to dispose of her?" Ashton asked. He was talking about Macy. I hate the tone he used, it was irritating.

"That's for me to decide, but for now she'll be joining us tonight." I said walking past him and out the front door. It was time to bring her up, time for her to properly meet Ashton.

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