(33.) - Months Later

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I started this book in june, that seems so long ago. Anyways, i had an idea but i had to skip a bunch of months for it to work... Sorry x

I was lying on the cold hard ground all alone when my life flashed in front of my eyes. I didn't know how I had got where I was but I knew it was for the good. When I asked the people around where I was they asked me strange question and I couldn't handle it. After getting away I felt my leg vibrate and pulled out a phone that said Harry was calling so I accepted it.

"Macy, Macy where are you?" The strange person asked and why was he calling me Macy.

"Um, I'm near some old building but I can see the big Ben from here" I said. Maybe he knew what was wrong with me and why people were asking about him.

"Walk towards there and I'll come and get you" He had said before I hung up. More people were walking towards me so I picked up my pace and tried to get to the place as fast as I could. I had fallen over a few too many times and you could see on my jeans that were ripped at the knee.

When I finally made it there were a lot of people around as I tried looking around to see if I knew who Harry was. In every direction I couldn't see anyone familiar so I leaned up against the building and slid down the wall uncertain what to do next. The weather changed for the worst and as the rain started to pour the people become even more difficult to see. I could only see and hear the rain and I got scared and overwhelmed.

"Macy." I finally heard, but I couldn't pick where it was coming from. When I stood up I could see a figure turning in circles calling out my name so I walked towards him. "Macy, finally there you are." He said putting his coat around me. He escorted me to a range rover and I climbed in while he got into the driver's side. When the light hit his face I didn't know who he was so I sat as close to the door as I could.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I tried to look at the road, but still nothing familiar.

"To the Asylum for the intellectually impaired" He answered. Did he mean a mental hospital?

"No im fine, ill just get out here" I said, but he ignored me.

"Macy you can't run away, especially when all we are doing is trying to help you"

"Im not running, I don't understand why you'd take me to such a place." I said trying to take my seatbelt off.

"I don't want you there as much as you don't want to go back, but it's for the best Macy." He said holding the seatbelt in place. He finally pulled over and the car door opened and I saw to huge men and I started to scream until I felt a sharp pain at the bottom of my spine and the last thing I saw was his face, he looked like he was going to cry.

. . .

When I woke up, the room was white like I had been here before but it fell strange. I got up and started banging on the door.

"Hello," I screamed. "Why am I in here, can someone help me." But no one seemed to care. I tried to look down the corridor and I thought I saw someone; he looked familiar so I banged on the door and tried to get his attention. Nothing seemed to work as I kept trying but all I did was wear myself out. I sat down on the bed and tried to think of why I would be in a place like this. Nothing came to mind so I started to pace and every now and then would looked out the through the door.

For what felt like hours I kept banging on the door every time I had the strength. When I caught the guy's eye and called him over he stood at the door with bloodshot eyes and it looked like he had said sorry. Why was he sorry and why wouldn't he let me out? I kept asking myself questions I couldn't answer. I slid down the wall and started to cry and then the door opened and those two huge guys walked in from my dream.

"Macy it's time for your medication." A female nurse said from behind them. She handed me a small tray with a few pills and a cup of water and I took it from her and placed it on the floor next to me.

"Why am I in here?" I asked.

"Macy you can discuss that with Dr. Howell this afternoon, but for now please take your meds." She said. She was talking to me like I was some child or someone who had lost her mind. She watched me pick up the pills and the cup of water and didn't leave until they were in my mouth. I watched her leave with the two guys and tried to catch the door before it shut but I was too slow. The pills must have been sleeping pills as I felt my eyes get heavy. I stumbled over to the bed and collapsed just missing the bed and straight onto the floor.

Again I found myself in the rain but unlike the other times I felt the rain against my face it was much lighter. I got up off of the floor and tried to walk around, but my movements felt slow.

"Macy quick you're going to get soaking wet." I heard a familiar voice say and when I turned to face him it was Harry, the guy who had taken to me to that horrible place.

"Maybe I like the rain." I muttered as I spun around. I then felt two soft hands around my waist.

"You're crazy Macy, you could get sick" He whispered in my ear.

"Do you love me." I whispered back. I looked up at him and he was smiling.

"With all my heart Macy." he said. I turned around and suddenly felt someone shaking me but it wasn't Harry it was another set of hands. They were shouting my name as I felt myself being pulled up and that's when I opened my eyes.

"Macy, it's time for you to see Dr. Howell now." The nurse said. The huge guys were back and helped me up and lead me out the door and through many more doors until I was put into an office. The office was different; it had colour and furniture everywhere. I took a seat on a leather couch and admired everything while it lasted.

"Ah Miss Grey, it's good to see you again." A strange older man with a grey beard said as he walked into the room.

"Dr. Howell? I asked as the man sat down on the chair opposite me.

"Sure am, now Macy tell me about what's happened since you last visited."

"When did I last visit?" I asked confused.

"Yesterday Macy." He answered writing something down on a piece of paper.

"Well all I remember is someone called Harry picking me up from Big Ben and then dropped me of here where those two men grabbed me and I then felt a sudden pain I at the bottom of my spine." I said trying to remember something whether it was a dream or if it really happened.

"Macy you've never told me that before, I see your memory is coming back."

"What do you mean coming back?"

"Macy whether you remember this or not, that happened when you escaped this place six weeks ago."

"Wait I've been here for more than six weeks?"

"Yes Macy."

"Well how did I end up here in the first place?"

"About two months ago you were arrested for murder, but when you were found you were extremely messed." Dr. Cowell explained. "You were found in an abandoned building, it wasn't until you were cleaned up that we were able to identify you." It sounded like he was making this up but he didn't seem to be joking.

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