The Accident

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Cheryls pov

As I lay awake thinking of last night I could still feel Toni's kisses on my body and her fingers inside. I could still feel her tongue tracing me. I could smell the same sweaty smells that had taken over my bedroom as Toni's naked body was as close to mine as humanly possible. My memories of last night gave me butterflies.

I woke up out of my daydream to a loud ringing of the the phone. I looked beside me and Toni was passed out beside me. She looked so peaceful when she was sleeping and for a moment I just stared at her forgetting about the phone. I climbed out of my bed and ran down stairs, catching the phone before it stopped ringing.

"Blossom household. Queen blossom speaking who is calling?" I answered the phone.

"Hi is this Cheryl Blossom?" A woman on the other end of the phone asked as if I didn't already jusy confirm that.


"There has been an accident." She informed me.

"Is my nana okay?" I asked.

"Your nana is fine it's your mother and uncle they have been in an accident." She answered.

I weird sense of relief washed over my body knowing my nana was okay.

"Sorry are you still there?" The woman asked after I was silent for a few minutes.

"Yes what kind of accident were they in? And are they still alive?"

The woman was silent for a moment probably confused at my question of their lives. "Their car crashed two miles out of town. You're mother is currently in surgery and your uncle is in intensive care at the moment."

"Okay." I hung up the phone.

"Is everything okay?" I turned to see Toni standing behind me rubbing her eyes.

"Yes everything is fine. My mother and uncle claudius just got into an accident that was the hospital."

"What are you okay? Are they okay?" She asked rushing over to me.

"I'm perfect would you like to go for some breakfast?" I asked.

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