Engagement Party

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Toni's pov

Cheryl looked so good in her serpent jacket. I knew she would appreciate the red. It was good to have all of the serpents together even if it was just for a short time. I had missed having my family around.

"Betty called and wants us all to go to Pops." Jughead fixed his hat.

"Why?" Cheryl asked.

"She didn't say she said that I was to make sure you both come." Jughead smirked. "Right Serpents we are moving this to Pops." He shouted.

Cheryl looked at me confused and I just shrugged. What could possibly be so important that we were cutting Cheryl celebration of becoming a serpent short.

Cheryl's pov

Whatever the reason to why Betty was interrupting this it better be a good reason. We pulled up outside Pop's and the parking lot was filled up with cars and motor bikes. The windows to Pop's were all covered up and I looked at Toni worriedly as I climbed off the back of her motorbike. 

"What is going on here?" I asked as Jughead pulled up beside us.

He didn't say anything he just got off his bike and walked towards Pop's with us. 

"Ladies first." Jughead stepped to the side.

Toni and I looked at each other before proceeding to open the door. We were met with darkness and silence the moment we opened the door. 

"What the hell is going on?" Toni asked.

We stepped inside and the lights turned on instantly blinding us.

"SURPRISE!!!" So many voices shouted I couldn't even tell who was there as my eyes adjusted to the lights.  

When my eyes finally adjusted I could see around me. Everyone from school and all the serpents were standing looking at Toni and I, with Betty standing right at the front. I looked around and it was covered in streamers, balloons and banners with 'Congratulations on your engagement on them'. 

"Well was this worth leaving your serpent celebration for?" Jughead placed his hand on my shoulder. 

"Omg I don't even know what to say." I squeezed Toni's hand.

"You don't have to say anything." Betty smiled as she handed Toni and I a glass. 

I handed my glass to Jughead who spilled half of it and I hugged Betty.

"Thank you." I whispered to her. 

The serpents surrounded us as they cheered and held up their bottles. 

"Speech." Sweetpea demanded.

I looked at Toni who shook her head and I smiled. 

"Well if you insist." I took my half empty glass back from Jughead and stepped up on to one of the tables with Sweetpea's help. "Thank you all for coming even though half of you probably wont be invited to the wedding." I looked down at Toni who raised her eyebrow at me. "Anyway I would like to announce that we will be getting married on 12th May. Everyone who is invited will receive their save the date and those who aren't well I'll be sure to post photos, my handle is at cherylbombshell." I put my hand out and Sweetpea helped me back down. 

Music began to play as everyone's attention was no longer on me. Toni smiled as I approached her.

"A speech in true Cheryl Blossom style." She kissed me.

"Josie, Cousin!" I called over to Josie and Betty.

They both looked at each other before coming over to me.

"Is Veronica here?" I asked.

"She could make it stuff with her dad." Betty replied.

"I'll text her, anyway so I need my bridesmaids and I was wondering if you both would like to do it?" 

They both looked at me silently for a moment.

"Of course we would." Josie broke the silence between us.

"We would be honoured." Betty smiled. "Who is Toni going to ask?"

"Who do you think?" I looked over at Toni who was standing with Jughead, Sweetpea and Fangs.

"I wouldn't have expected any different." Betty laughed. "So how are you feeling knowing that this time next year you'll be Mrs Cheryl.. Topaz?" Betty looked at me questioningly.

"We haven't decided on the name thing yet, but I can't wait." I smiled. "I mean look at her."

"I'm happy for you Cheryl, you deserve this much happiness in your life." Josie hugged me.

"Thank you. I am going to go check in on my fiance." I smiled.

Toni's pov

Today had been such a massive eventful day. First Cheryl receiving her serpent jacket and now Betty throwing us an engagement party at Pops. Seeing Cheryl surrounded by my family and knowing they will always keep her safe gave me so much hope for our future. I knew that no matter what Cheryl would be safe with me and the serpents having her back for the rest of her life.

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