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Toni's pov

Instead of taking Cheryl back to thistle house I thought she would appreciate seeing her nana and actually getting to tell her nana that I did propose after all of her encouragement. It felt good to have Cheryl back in the car with me. No more bleeding out or fear that she was just going to die in my arms. I watched her as she smiled the wind in her face through the open window, enjoying the sun in her face. I loved her so much. 

"Where are you taking us? This isn't the way back to thistle house?" She asked.

"Well I thought it was about time your nana had a visit and heard some good news." I smiled.

"You haven't told her what happened to me have you?" She looked worried.

"Of course not! I didn't want to worry her." I reassured Cheryl.

Cheryl went back to enjoying being outside that hospital. I continued to drive as carefully as I could. I had become very aware of everything around us since Cheryl was stabbed. If I had been paying more attention to what was going on around us maybe I could have stopped the ghoulie before they got near Cheryl. Sweetpea told me not to blame myself but I couldn't help it. 

 Cheryls pov

I could sense that something was off with Toni but I didn't want to press her about it just now. I'd wait till we got home. As soon as the car stopped I jumped out the straight away. I hadn't got the chance to tell anyone our good new since I told the Coopers and I was most excited to tell my nana. 

"Slow down speedy." Toni shouted as she ran after me.

I turned around and she ran up beside me taking my hand as she reached me. I smiled feeling her fingers intertwine with mine. 

"I love you Toni." I began to walk again.

"I love you too, now lets go spread the good news." She smiled.

I walked as fast as I could to get to my nana's room while Toni trailed behind slightly, her short legs unable to keep up. As I walked I could feel a pinching in my side but I ignored it, hiding my pain from Toni. I just wanted to see my nana and not worry Toni even more than she probably already was. I stopped outside my nana's room door and looked at Toni smiling.

"Ready?" She asked raising her eyebrows.

I nodded and proceeded to open the door. I stepped in pulling Toni with me. 

"Where is she?" I asked Toni confused.

I stared at my nana's empty bedroom. Toni let go of my hand leaving the room.

"Where is Mrs Blossom?" I could hear her asking someone but I couldn't hear their answer.

I waited for Toni to come back.

"She's away getting some tests done nothing to worry about." Toni reassured me.

We both sat down on the seat as we waited for my nana to come back from her tests.

"So its been a while." I smiled at Toni.

"Since?" She asked.

"You know what." I winked.

"Ohh well you have been in hospital." She smiled.

"Maybe we should change that when we get home." I suggested.

"Change what?" I turned to see my nana in a wheel chair being brought into the room.

"Nothing." I stuttered nervously aa Toni smirked.

The doctor who was pushing my nana helped her into her bed.

"You haven't visited in a while." My nana raised one of her eyes.

"I haven't been well since we got back from Paris." It wasn't exactly a lie since I was in hospital.

My nana nodded as she searched for my left hand that I had hid behind my back. I seen her eyes wander over to Toni's hands and I pushed Toni's left hand down so my nana couldn't see it.

"So we have something to tell you." Toni smiled.

My nanas eyes grew wider as Toni looked at me for me to tell her. I slowly brought my hands from behind my back for her to see the ring.

"You did it." She smiled for the first time in god knows how long.

I didnt even know she could smile like that.

"I did. Thanks to your encouragement." Toni took my nana's hand.

"Cheryl got you a ring too?" My nana asked.

"Yes she got me it for my birthday so would both have one." Toni answered.

"When is the wedding?" My nana asked. "Soon I hope so I can make it."

"We haven't got round to planning it yet but with your permission we can start planning it asap." I answered.

"My permission?" She looked at me confused.

"Well since my mother and father are both gone you are technically my legal guardian." I explained. "And since I am under age I need your permission to get married. You will need to sign something to give your permission but that would come later."

"Of course you have my permission this was all my idea in the first place." My nana looked happier than I had evee seen her before. "You will both make beautiful brides."

"Nana do you want to come home? Maybe they would allow it for maybe just the weekends." I asked.

"Yes this place is awful." She scowled.

"I'll go speak to them and see what they say." Toni left the room.

"You are perfect for one another. I am happy you found her. I only wish Jason could be here too." My nana took my hand. "I am proud of you Cheryl."

Everything was beginning to fall together and I couldn't wait to start planning the wedding and the honeymoon.

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