Cheryl's Birthday Part 2

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Cheryls pov

I pulled up outside Pop's with my gift box sitting in the passenger seat. Thankful it looked like there were actually people there this time, I don't think I could have dealt with another eery place to stop off at in this. I got out the car leaving the gift box and note. I noticed Jughead's motorbike sitting outside being the only vehicle I could identify since I spent so much time on it before Toni got her's back. Pop's looked quite full compared to the usual crowd at this time. When I got inside I looked around for some sort of gift box or note but I couldn't see one. I headed up to the counter and Pop appears instantly holding a small gift box and a piece of paper.

"Happy Birthday Cheryl, you have a good girl there you know." 

"I most definitely do." I smiled as I took the gift box and note from Pop.

I found an empty booth and sat down with my gift box and note. Just as I was about to open my gift box someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned to see Jughead standing with another gift box. 

"You'll want this one too." He smiled. "See you ehh at school on Monday." He wandered off leaving me with my two gift boxes. 

I watched him as he walked out of Pop's and got on his motorbike before I proceeded to open the gift boxes. I opened the one Jughead handed to me first. I took the top off to reveal a small envelope. I looked around Pop's half expecting someone to pop out to me, but no one did. I opened the envelope to see a date wrote down. 

12th May 2019

I turned the paper over expecting to see something else but thats all there was. I placed it down and picked up the other box. I opened it up and there were two wedding band inside. My eyes grew wide as I stared down. They were beautiful. I still wasn't sure what the date meant. Before I could think about it for much longer there was another tap on my shoulder and there was Sweetpea. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I have to give you this." He handed me two large boxes.

"Do you know what this is?" I asked him holding up the card with the date wrote down on it.

He smiled slightly before shrugging his shoulders before leaving pops. I opened the larger of the two boxes first. Inside was a bright red dress. I lifted the dress from the box at stared at it in amazement. It was stunning. I wish Toni was here so I could tell her how much I love it, but I was hopeful that I would be seeing her soon. I checked the time, it was now 2:00pm. I smiled as I placed the dress carefully back into the box. I placed the box on to the table and opened the other box Sweetpea had given me. It had bright red high heels to match my dress. I had no words to describe how amazing these presents were. I placed the box down and picked up the note Pop had given me.

I think it's about time you came home baby girl

I gathered up my boxes and ran to my car with them placing them all in the passenger seat. I started up the engine speeding out of the parking lot. 

Toni's pov

I had just received a text from Sweetpea to tell me that Cheryl had now left Pop's, which meant she was on her way back here. I lit the last of the candles on the table and set out our lunch I had made. Just as I placed down the last dish down I heard the house door open up.

"Toni!" I heard Cheryl shouted.

"In here." I called back to her.

Cheryl ran into the dining room with a massive smile on her face. She ran straight into my arms kissing me from the moment our lips got close enough. 

"I take it you like all of your presents then?" I laughed.

"I love them all." Cheryl beamed. "I just have one question."

"And what is that?" I had a feeling I knew what she had a question regarding.

"The date on the card. What is it for?" She asked.

"That is the date in which  I want to marry you."

Cheryl froze on the spot and I could see she didn't know what to say. I took her hand leading her over her seat at the table.

"You made all of this?" She asked.

"Yes." I smiled.

"This has been the greatest birthday ever." She began to shovel food on to her plate. 

"It's not over yet." I smiled.

"It's not?" She questioned.

"Well you need an occasion to wear that dress and heels I got you." I raised my eyebrow. "So I thought what better occasion than a birthday party." 

"What? How have you put together all of this?" She looked at me shocked.

"With some help from our friends." I smiled.

"I love you Teetee you didn't have to go to this much bother." 

"It was no bother anything for you." 

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