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Cheryl's pov

After around ten minutes of Toni comforting me we were finally on our way home. There was a sense of weightlessness in me. Speaking to Toni about my suicide really took a weight off my shoulders. She was the first person I had truly opened up to about it.

"I love you TT."

"I love you too." Toni smiled with both hands on the steering wheel.

"Lets get home and I'll show you how much I really love you."

"I'll definitely have to speed up then." Toni joked as she revved the engine.

I stared out of the window as we drove along. Something felt different. The roads were practically empty and there wasn't many people walking in the street, only the odd person walking their dog or jogging. I looked over to Toni who looked just as confused as I felt. We turned the corner to enter thistle house's driveway to find it filled with motorbikes, trucks, cars and the serpents. Toni slowly parked the car in the best spot left available. We both quickly got out of our car to find Jughead, Betty, Archie and Veronica heading towards us.

"Whats going on?" Toni asked immediately.

"You haven't heard?" Veronica questioned.

"Heard what?" I asked confused and wishing someone would tell us what was going on.

"There are rumours that the town is going on lockdown because of the black hood. Where have you two been?" Betty finally gave us something to go off of.

"We were.. I mean I was speaking to your mom."

"Why?" Betty looked concerned.

"That doesnt matter right now." Jughead interrupted. "We were wondering if the serpents could camp out on your land its not safe with the town possibly going on lockdown."

"I thought most of the serpents had left town?" I looked around at what seemed like nearly fifty serpents standing around.

"Everyone came back into town when the rumours for the lockdown started they didn't want us here helpless against the black hood. We are a family."

Everyone looked at me and for a moment I didn't know why.

"Oh yes you can all stay we have a large piece of land you can set up camp a little bit down the road." I pointed right of thistle house.

"Serpents!" Jughead yelled.

Everyone fell silent as they stared over at Jughead as he pointed where I had just a few seconds before. Everyone grabbed their bags and headed down the road. Betty and Veronica were about to leave with everyone else but I grabbed both of their arms.

"Could I speak to you both before you go?" I asked.

"Of course." Veronica smiled.

The followed me into thistle house while Toni, Archie and Jughead helped the rest of the serpents.

When we got inside I sat down and Betty and Veronica sat down across from me.

"Is everything okay Cheryl?" Betty asked.

"Everything is great. I just wanted to ask you both something." I paused.

For some reason I felt slightly nervous.

"What is it?" Veronica asked.

"Today I asked Betty's mom to officiate mine and Toni's wedding." I began.

Betty and Veronica shot each other a look.

"And I was wondering if you both along with Polly would want to be my bridesmaids?"

"Yes of course." Both Betty and Veronica answered in unison.

"Why on earth would we say no to that?" Veronica hugged me. "This is going to be so much fun! We can dreas shop and organise your bridal shower."

Veronica began to list off things we would need to do and things she could help organise.

After over a minute of Veronica speaking without taking a breath we were intterupted by Jughead.

"Betty do you want to head to the movie?" Jughead asked.

"Yes lets getting going. Are the serpents all sorted?" Betty asked.

Jughead nodded as he put his arm around Betty.

"I should get going too." Veronica stood up leaving me sitting alone. "We can finish what we were talking about later in the week."

Both Betty and I giggled knowing the only person who had been talking was Veronica. Toni entered the room at the same time Betty, Veronica and Jughead left. She smiled as she seen me sitting alone.

"Soo...." She bit her lip.

"Soooo...?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Why dont you come show me how much you love me?" Toni smiled.

I got off my seat and pushed Toni against the wall behind her and kissed her passionately.

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