Twins First Birthday

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Cheryl's pov

I had never been so excited for someone elses birthday like I was today. Today however wasn't just someone elses birthday it was my wonderfully cute nephew and nieces first birthday. Polly was having a small party for them at the Coopers home, which my nana, Toni and I had been invited to. I still hadnt mentioned to her what my mother had told me about Jason. I couldn't bring myself to do it. What if my mother was lying and this was all just a game? Could I really put Polly through that? I had been fighting with myself over the decision to tell her or not for weeks. I led my nana outside so we could head over to the coopers with Toni at the other side of her.

"Don't tell me you are going to try get me on that motorcycle." My nana smirked.

After nearly 20 minutes of trying to get my nana into my car we were finally on our way. As I pulled out the driveway I stopped and sighed.

"Whats wrong?" Toni asked.

"I forgot their gifts." I sighed again.

"Where are they? I'll go get them and meet you there." Toni climbed out the back of the car and gave me a quick awkward kiss before she ran back to the house.

As we pulled out on to the street I could see my nana wanted to say something.

"Just say it nana." I rolled my eyes.

"What?" She asked actinf confused.

"I know you want to say something so just say it."

"I am happy for you Cheryl, Toni is what you need in life."

"But?" I knew there was more than just that.

"But I think that I might not make it to your wedding." She confessed.

"Wait what? Why?" I stamped on the brake. "What do you mean you might not make it?"

My nana looked at me spooked. "I dont have much time left."

"Nana dont speak like that! You will be there." I said firmly as I continued to drive.

The rest of the car ride was silent until we made it to the Coopers.

Toni's pov

I arrived at the Coopers home only a few minutes after Cheryl and her nana. They were still walking from the car with her nana in her wheelchair when I arrived. I carried the twins gifts as I ran to catch up with Cheryl.

"Hey what took you guys so long to get here." I asked.

"Traffic." Cheryl smiled.

Just before we reached the Coopers door it swung open and we were greeted by Betty.

"My mom is a bit crazy today so ignore her." Betty whispered. "Come in." She said slightly louder.

I gave Cheryl a quick loving look before we entered the crazy house. The house was filled with balloons and banners. Mr and Mrs Cooper were standing behind Polly who was sitting on the floor with the twins. Their gifts were all piled up on a table in the corner. I began to walk over to put the two gifts we had for the twins when Chery grabbed my arm pulling me back.

"Wait here." Cheryl pushed her nana's wheelchair into the living room with everyone else leaving me at the front door.

"I want to give the gifts to Polly in private." Cheryl explained.

I handed her the envelopes and she disappeared into the livingroom, going straight to Polly. I turned the corner to see Jughead, Archie, Veronica and Betty standing together in the corner of the room.

Cheryl's pov

I went straight over to Polly who was sitting on the floor with the twins. I knelt down giving each of the twins a gentle kiss on the head.

"Happy birthday beautiful babies." I smiled at them chewing on their sleeves and toys. "Polly could we talk in private please."

"Sure." She looked at me confused.

Polly led me upstairs to her old bedroom and I closed the door behind us.

"So Cheryl whats up?" She sat down on her bed.

"These are for the twins. I dont want anyone else to know what are in these envelopes." I handed Polly the envelopes and she raised her eyebrow. "Open them." I insisted.

Polly placed one of the envelopes on the bed next to her and proceeded to open the other. Her eyes widened as she looked at the paper inside.

"Cheryl oh my god I cant accept this." Polly tried to hand me back both of the envelopes.

"You don't have a choice really. Both of the accounts have been set up for the twins and $100,000 dollar's have been placed in each of them. There's also something for you in the other envelope." I confessed.

Polly picked up the other envelope opening it slowly.

"Cheryl no! This time I need to put ym foot down I wont accept this." Polly got up off her bed. "$25,000 is far too much to give to anyone."

"Polly you need to take it. You need to take the twins away somewhere and tell no one. You need to keep yourself and they babies safe."

"Cheryl what are you talking about why wouldn't we be safe here or at the farm?" Polly looked alarmed.

"I dont know how to explain this but I think Jason is alive somewhere and he is only staying away because you and the twins have been threatened. I know its hard to believe."

Polly just stared at me with her mouth opened. After a moment of silence Polly broke the silence.

"I knew he wasn't gone. I could feel it. I need to find him."

"No Polly you need to get out of town with the twins and keep them and yourself safe until I can find him and bring him home." I urged her. "Tell no one where you are going but once you find somewhere call me and give me a number I can call you on so I can call you when I find JJ."

Tears spilled down Polly's face. "What if you are wrong?"

"Im not I know hes out there somewhere."

Polly threw her arms around me and my body turned to stone before I relaxed and hugged her back. As she hugged me tighter I felt and immense pressure on my stomach making me feel like I was going to vomit.

Shoutout to my gc loves

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