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Cheryl's pov

I think Toni thought I was crazy when I told her I seen Jayjay so I didn't bring it up again. I knew I wasn't crazy I knew I seen him even if no one else would believe me. Toni stayed with me every night the hospital even gave her a little bed beside mine to sleep in however it still hasn't been used since she just climbed into my bed with me every night and hold me. Betty and the serpents had been up to visit a few times, Betty bringing me snacks and keeping me up to date with what was happening in Riverdale and the serpents well they came to tell me how badass I am and ask questions about our wedding and if we were going to have an engagement party. The more I was getting to know Fangs and Sweetpea the more I was enjoying their company and realising how wrong I really was about the serpents when they first came to Riverdale High. I was definitely wrong since I was now in love with a serpent. I looked over at my beautiful serpent as she lay sleeping in the hospital bed next to me. I knew how worried she must have been when I wasn't here to tell her that I loved her. It was exactly how I felt when she was shot by the black hood and the thought of her hurting that much killed me. I never wanted her to hurt especially not because of me. Toni stirred in her sleep and her eyes slowly opened. A massive smile spread across her face as she looked at me.

"Good morning my cherie." I smiled.

"How long have you been awake for?" She asked.

"A few hours." 

Toni sat up in the bed. "I love you Cheryl."

"I love you too TeeTee." Butterflies erupted in my stomach as Toni stared into my eyes. 

" I think its about time we got you out of here and back home with me." She began to climb out of the bed and I pulled her back.

"Ouch." I winced as I got a shooting pain up my side.

"Are you okay?" 

I could see the panic in Toni's eyes.

"I'm fine. Just don't go yet." I pulled her face to mine kissing her gently. "Please." I kissed her again.

She smiled through our kiss as she lay back down on the bed. I stopped her before she lay down pulling her on top of me. She sat on top me wrapping her legs gently around my waist. 

Toni's pov

As I wrapped my legs around Cheryl everything inside me wanted to take off all of her clothes right there and then but I knew I couldn't. Someone could walk in at any moment and I think they would be shocked enough to see us like this never mind if we were naked. I could feel something warm and wet running down my leg and I looked down to see my leg covered in blood. I jumped off Cheryl as her lips began to go pale. 

"Someone help!" I screamed. 

I held Cheryl's hand as she looked at me scared. 

"You're okay." I squeezed her hand as a doctor came running in to the room. 

"Toni I don't want to die." Cheryl cried. 

"You aren't going to. You're going to be okay." I reassured her as her eyes rolled back into her head.

"Cheryl!" I screamed as Cheryl lay unconscious.

"Step back please." The doctor pushed a button on the wall and more doctors and nurses came running in.

"Her spleen has ruptured." He told one of the others as they rushed Cheryl out of the room still in her bed. 

"Cheryl I love you. I'll be right here for you." I shouted as I followed them until I was stopped by. nurse. 

How could it have turned so badly after everything was looking good. I sat down in the nearest seat I could find and put my face in my hands. Why couldn't the world just let us be happy for once?

I'm going to continue writing for you all through what I'm feeling because this makes me truly happy. Seeing all of your comments make me smile and makes my day a bit better.

Also last night before I went to sleep I tweeted something about vanessa and I woke up two hours later to see that she had liked my tweet.

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