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Toni's pov

I had been sitting in the hospital for hours and no one had come out to tell its how Cheryl was. I wanted to kill that ghoulie so badly. I wanted revenge for my girl! I needed answers to what was going on. I stood up and Sweetpea pulled me back down into my seat.

"I'll get an update for you." Sweetpea got up and left me with Fp, Jughead, Fangs and Betty.

FP moved up to the seat next to me. "Toni I am going to go with Sweetpea and Fangs to deal with the ghoulie who done this. Cheryl won't go through this without us getting revenge for her."

I nodded.

"But you know she's going to be okay, she's a strong one and you have a wedding to plan." He smiled.

"How did you know? Did Jug tell you?" I asked.

"No both of your rings gave it away." 

I looked down at the ring Cheryl had got me and began to play with it thinking about when I had asked her to marry me. I could see her face in my mind, how happy she was as we stood on top of the Eiffel Tower. My perfect dream girl who was now lying opened up completely vulnerable. 

"Toni." Sweetpea reappeared and I looked up. "There were some complications during surgery but they are just finishing up and only one of us can go in to see her when she gets out of surgery."

"What kind of complications?" I asked. 

"She said someone would be okay to speak to us in a few minutes." Sweetpea explained as he leaned against the wall. 

I put my head down into my hands as I waited for someone to actually tell me if my fiancé is okay. What kind of complications could there have been? I couldn't lose her I just found her. We were starting our future together. 

"Excuse me I am looking for Cheryl Blossom's family." I looked up to see a handsome doctor standing in front of me.

"We're her family." Jughead answered before I could.

I looked at him surprised at the words that just came out of his mouth.

"I'm her fiancé." I stood up and I felt Fangs and Sweetpea eyes shot to me.

I had forgot that I hadn't actually told them yet.

"What?" They both said at the same time.

"Another time boys." FP interrupted.

"Cheryl is out of surgery. There were a few complications but we got it under control. She's not out of the woods yet but she's stable." 

"Can I see her?" I asked.

"Yes only one of you can go in." He replied.

"Go Toni we will go deal with that problem." FP encouraged me. 

"I'll stay here with Toni she shouldn't be alone.I'll wait out here." Betty gave me a reassuring smile and I nodded.

I followed the doctor through two metal doors and down the corridor until he finally stopped. He opened the door in front of him revealing Cheryl lying with tubes coming out her nose and mouth. Her side was bandaged all the way up. I ran over to her bed and took her hand, tears falling from my eyes on to her bed. She looked so peaceful. I pulled over the chair that was sitting in the corner and moved it closer to the bed. I sat down and held on to Cheryl's hand stroking it with my thumb.

"Baby please wake up. Come back to me. I am so sorry." I kissed her hand. 


I sat watching Cheryl's heart monitor as time went by. I kept checking the clock watching as time went by without Cheryl. 

"You just need to open your eyes. Please open your eyes." I begged her as my eyes grew heavy. 

I had been fighting the tiredness for hours becauseI didn't want to be sleeping when she woke up but I couldn't fight it for much longer. As I began to doze off there was an outbreak of loud beeping and alarms. My eyes shot open as Cheryl's body was jolting. She looked like someone had just given her an electric shock. 

"Somebody help!" I screamed as a parade of nurses and doctors came running  into Cheryl's room.

"You need to wait outside." One of the nurses tried to push me out of the room.

"I'm not going anywhere! I'm not leaving her alone." I pushed the nurse away from me.

"Stand over here." She positioned me away at the other side of the room.

The pain in my chest was unbearable as I watched them holding Cheryl's body down and putting all sorts of drugs in her. I stepped back until my back hit the wall. The echoing of the machines beeping played in my head so loudly that I didn't even notice when they stopped.

Today marks the one year anniversary to the worst night of my life. It has been a hard year since then and sometimes I dont know how I have gotten through it. We lost 22 angels today last year and in less than 3 hours from now is when the bomb went off, changing all 19,000 people's lives. As crazy as it sounds riverdale and choni really helped me a lot it gave my brain something to focus on and something that made me happy and excited for the first time in a long time. Also writing this and getting to know all of you has made this past year a little easier. Whenever someone asks what I am doing when I am on my phone I always tell them I'm reading comments from my loves on my story, which is always met with a weird look but they dont really understand the strength and love of this fandom. I want to thank you all for helping me get through this past year.

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