A Doctor Calls

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Cheryl's pov

I left Jason and Toni in the bedroom as I went into the bathroom to find our who was calling me at such an important time.

"Hello is this Cheryl Blossom?" The woman asked.

"Yes who is this?" I asked.

"Cheryl it's your doctor. I just had to speak to you about your results from the other day."

My heart began to pound in my chest. "What about them?"

"I am very sorry however this morning when doing a check on our medical equipment we found that the box of tests in which we used one for you is currently out of date therefore aren't accurate and I will need you to come in for another test and we can go from there. I am very sorry and I take full reponsibility for this."

My heart sank into my stomach. I could be pregnant, thats what she is telling me. I thought this was all over. Things we getting better. I still felt nauseous most of the day but at least I wasn't pregnant. How could this happen? Who does this even happen to? It felt like, a dream a nightmare even. Why did this have to happen now? Just as I am working on trying to get my brother to come home. He'll be coming home to a possibly pregnant sister.

"Hello?" I could hear the doctor still speaking on the phone and lifted it back to my ear.

"How could you be so irresponsible? I I were you I would get myself a hell of a good lawyer to pathetic excuse for a doctor. You'll be hearing from mine soon." I shouted over the phone as I hung up on her.

I felt like I was going to vomit. I put my cell phone into my pocket quickly an ran over to the toilet throwing my head over it as I vomited. Within seconds there was a knock at the door and Toni walked in quickly closing the door behind her.

"Are you okay?" She took my hair holding it back incase I vomited again. "Who was on the phone?"

"My doctor." I replied. "Funny thing I might actually be pregnant. The tests she had were out of date and faulty so.."

"Okay then we will deal with that when we get back to Riverdale and I promise you it will all be okay. If you are pregnant what happens after that is your decision and I will be by your side with you. You wont be alone again ever." Toni helped me up off the bathroom floor. "I love you Cheryl Blossom and I will no matter what life  throws at us."

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