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Cheryl's pov

Fang's eyes were swollen from crying. My heart was in pieces just looking at him. 

"Fang we will get you out of here I promise." I smiled.

"I don't want to die." He cried. "I didn't hurt Midge I really liked her."

"We know you didn't do it. We just wish you had been with someone before the assembly to be your alibi." FP took Fang's face into his hands. "We have got your back we aren't going to let anything happen to you."

"DAD!" Jughead came running over and everyones head shot round to him.

"What is it?" Fp replied.

"The ghouls thats what. They're outside with the crowd." Jugheads eyes were wild.

"Of course they are." FP threw his hands up in the air. "Any opportunity to get to us."

"You need to get him out of here. You can't just stay here." Sheriff Keller appears out of nowhere.

"How are we meant to get him out of here with all of they people out there." I exclaimed.

"I've tried to move them but it is putting too many people in danger and could make it worse if we try by force." He explained.

"This is a joke." Toni shouted. 

Sheriff Keller walked away leaving us trying to figure out a way to get Fangs out of here safely.

"Okay we are going to get Fangs out of here no." Fp looked angry.

"How? There are too many people out there." Jughead looked at his father confused.

"We do it together." FP nodded to Jughead. "We stick together we hold on to one another and we keep Fangs in the middle and we get through them and straight to Cheryl's car." FP placed his hand on Fang's shoulder. 

Toni took my hand and I held on to it as tightly as I could. Everyone stood around fangs holding on to one another as we walked forward. Betty held on to my other hand and I squeezed it as she took it.

"We are going to be fine." She reassured me.

Fp pushed the doors open and we were met with the crowd shouting abuse. As we made our way through everyone was pushing trying to get to Fangs. I held on to Toni as my heart raced. I pushed back as I was thrown into Toni's arms. She helped me get back on to my feet steadily. 

"I've got you." She whispered into my ear and I smiled.

"I love you!" I shouted knowing she probably couldn't even hear me.

We made it another few steps forward before Betty was pushed back into me losing her grip on to Jughead. The ring around Fangs was now broken and everyone began to push harder. I was thrown back and forth not letting go of Toni or Betty's hands. As Betty scrambled for Jughead's hand I seen some of the ghoulies nearby. Betty finally had Jughead's hand again and we began to move forward. We had barely got another few steps forward before we reached the ghoulies. I could see the anger in FP even from behind him as he stopped for a moment before continuing. As I was pushed I felt a sharp pain in my side as I fell back into Toni once again. The sharp pain shot up my side. I took three steps forward before stopping. Betty pulled on my hand but I couldn't move. I let go of Betty's hand and everyone stopped and turned to me. Toni looked at me worried before I felt to the ground. Toni's caught me on my way down.

"Cheryl!" She screamed.

I looked up above me and seen one of the ghouls standing over me with a knife in his hand. I felt a hot liquid running down my side and looked down. Toni followed my gaze and screamed. I looked up and the crowd moved away, beginning to scatter. 

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