Nana's Home

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Cheryl's pov

I woke up wrapped up in my red blanket on the bedroom floor with Toni next to me out cold. I smiled down at her sleeping peacefully until I was hit with a massive pain in my stomach remembering what had happened last night before we got home. I threw the blanket off of me and ran straight into the bathroom hanging my head over the toilet seat. As I vomited I heard Toni stirring in the bedroom. I tried to get back to the bathroom door to close it before she made her way to the sound of me throwing up but the moment I tried to move more vomit appeared in my throat.

"Cheryl?" I heard Toni's voice and footsteps coming closer.

"Im fine." I lied. "I'll be out in a moment babe stay there."

Toni ignored my instructions to stay in the bedroom as she appeared at the bathroom door and then knelt down beside me.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yes, its probably just a bug. Anyway we must get the house ready for my nana." I got up off the floor holding back more vomit as I did so.


"Come on we need to get started she'll be here soon." I cut her off.

As I was going to leave the bathroom she grabbed my hand pulling me back into her arms.

"If you need to talk about last night more we can. I love you my future Mrs Topaz." Toni smiled and I blushed slightly.

Toni was moving in to kiss me but I quickly jumped back knowing I would taste like what I had just thrown up.

Toni's pov

I watched Cheryl run around Thistlehouse cleaning and moving furniture frantically ignoring what had happened this morning. I knew I shouldn't have taken her with me to the Whyte Wrym. I pulled my cell phone from my back pocket.

Have you dealt with the problem? - T

I had just put my phone back into my pocket when I felt it vibrate.

It's all been dealt with nothing to worry about - S

I felt relieved knowing it was already dealt with. I headed upstairs to find Cheryl to tell her in the hopes it would  calm her atleast slightly. I searched our bedroom, bathroom, Jason's bedroom and her nana's bedroom and couldnt find her.

"Cheryl!" I called out.

"In here." She replied.

I followed her voice to her parents old bedroom. At first I stopped at the door not really wanting to go inside but I couldn't see Cheryl from the door way. I searched the bedroom to find her in their walk in wardrobe, down on her hands and knees.

"Cheryl what are you doing?" I asked.

"Can't you hear that?" She looked up at me her eyes wide.

I sat down beside her on the floor and could instantly hear what she could hear. A vibrating the same vibrating as my phone.

"Where is it coming from?" I asked.

"I dont know I've checked all of the wardrobes."

"I'll help you look." I offered.

The door bell rang as I was getting up to go look for the phone.

"We can look for it later." I suggested as I helped Cheryl off the floor.

Cheryl's pov

I made lunch for us all to eat together and the entire time all I could think about was the vibrating upstairs.

"Cher you ready?" Toni appeared in the kitchen door way looking concerned.

"Yeah I'm perfect my cherie." I lifted the dish from the counter and carried it towards Toni.

"You dont have to worry about last night it has been dealt with." Toni reassured me.

I gave her a small kiss and took the food into the dining room where my nana was waiting. Toni sat down and I sat on the chair next to her. I caught my nana staring at my hand with the ring she gave Toni to propose to me with. I could see a small smile on her face before she noticed me staring.

"So nana how is life at that god awful home you are living in? I mean its obviously no Thistlehouse and I doubt the company is anywhere near as delightful as mine."

"Its revolting." She began to eat.

"It cant be that bad." Toni interjected.

My nana scowled at Toni and I held back my laugh.

"So its the twins birthday tomorrow so we will going to the coopers for that." I tried to change the subject.

"What are their names again?" My nana asked.

"Juniper and Dagwood." Toni answered.

"Ridiculous." My nana shook her head.

The rest of lunch had the same atmosphere of disgusted and desperation to hold a conversation.

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