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Matthew Burns groaned as his (former) assistant raced out of the office in tears.

His secretary, Adam, walked tentatively into the room, "Should I begin the search again?" he asked.

"I need a professional, damn it," he growled. "All these women think they can flirt with me on the job. My employees have the tenacity to make moves on me?"

"It's tragic sir," Adam deadpanned.

Matthew leaned back in his chair; his broad shoulders strained the fabric of his Armani suit. He felt a migraine coming on.

"I'll begin interviewing new candidates right away," Adam announced. 

Mr. Burns was in one of his moods, and Adam didn't want to stick around to witness it.


Willow Pearson sighed as she looked at the overdue bills spread across her kitchen counter. She needed to start paying them, and fast. Her wildly successful friend, Giana Brown, disdainfully surveyed the mess her friend was in.

"I wish you'd let me loan you some money," Giana commented with a sigh.

"You're sweet, but that's not happening," Willow replied, picking at the latest utility bill.

"Well, when you get this job you'll be set."

The job in question was a position as an assistant for the one and only Matthew Burns.

"I googled him last night," Willow stated, "he seems to have a finger in every pie."

In fact, she learned a lot about him through her cursory search. Matthew Burns was the 30-year-old CEO of Burns Incorporated. Business Insider didn't list him as 'merciless' for nothing. He took down his competitors with a single-minded focus.

"'A finger in every pie,' that's a good one. You should mention that slogan when you land the job."

"That's if I land the job. Please don't jinx it."

"Oh honey, you already have this position in the bag. They're desperate for a new hire, and if the recommendation is coming from me, you're definitely in."

Willow often forgot that her friend was a head manager for Burns Incorporated.

She squirmed slightly in her seat, "Why are they so desperate to fill the position? Shouldn't people be lining up for a job like this?"

"Well," began Giana playing with her necklace, "about that..."

Willow narrowed her eyes, "What's wrong with him?"

"Nothing per se, he's just very hard on his employees. He's a workaholic and he makes sure his workforce is too."

Willow looked confused. "So that's why he's gone through so many assistants? Because they couldn't handle the workload?"

"Well there's that, and the fact that all his assistants fall in love with him."

She gave an incredulous laugh "They fall for him? And then what?"

"When they confess their feelings he fires them," Giana says with a shrug. "He thinks love is messy, and 'unprofessional'. His work is his priority, and he doesn't want anything getting in the way of that."

Willow gave a low whistle, "That explains it."

"Yep. So, you'll have to be sure to maintain a professional relationship with your hot, new, bachelor boss if you want to keep your job."

Willow sighed and thought about her student loan debt, "Keeping my job is my top priority."

"Good! Then you'll be a perfect fit!"

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