Part 7: The Topaz Household

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Throughout the short journey, Toni keeps turning her head to check on Cheryl. She knew she needed water and some plain food, but Toni had to make it home first. She pulls up to the front of her trailer, of which she shares with her grandfather and helps Cheryl out of the car and inside. 

Then sits her up on the couch and heads to get some water. Cheryl finally begins to regain her consciousness and worries when unaware of her new surroundings, but muttering the words, "Toni?" and at the same moment that one word left her mouth, Toni rushes up to her, and says, "Drink up; water this time", laughing at her own joke. Cheryl sips slowly and begins breathing normally again to the relief of Toni, who takes a seat opposite, keeping a close eye.

She grabs some bread for Cheryl and sits back down, after about 10 minutes of drinking, eating and apparent silence, Cheryl finally speaks. "This is... your house?" and begins to look around at the small space.

"The only one I've ever had" and smiles in her direction, chuckling slightly, "So... you going to explain what's going on, or am I going to have to guess" 

Cheryl sits herself upright and begins to explain everything, her mother kicking her out, the drinking and the drunk phone call. After about 20 minutes of almost tears and Toni attempting to comfort a vulnerable friend, Cheryl's rant ends.

"You're staying here tonight" says Toni sternly, "It's the safest option, you can have my bed, I'll just go grab you some clothes to sleep in" and without anytime for Cheryl to reply, Toni sets off into her bedroom.

She comes back in with some black shorts and a red, baggy shirt, passing it to Cheryl. "Thank you" she replies. "Just go in there to get ready if you want" Toni exclaims, pointing to her bedroom. Cheryl then proceeds to get up and enters Toni's room. 

The clock on the wall hits 11:30pm and Toni realises she still hasn't eaten, "Cheryl, you hungry?" and takes a seat back in the living room. Cheryl walks out in her newly given pjs, "Yeah, are we cooking?" she laughs.

"I can go get something. There's a really good burger van near the Whyte Wyrm. I'll be 10 minutes?" Toni explains. "Sure, if you don't mind of course" Cheryl replies wearily, the alcohol still fully in her system. Toni grabs her serpent jacket from off the back of the hair, along with her helmet. "Make yourself at home, the remote for the TV's there" and points to the table before heading off. 

Cheryl hears the bike engine get fainter and fainter until she could no longer hear it and takes a seat on the couch. Despite having the TV on, her eyes get distracted by photos of Toni on the shelves all around the trailer. She stands up and starts to look at them more closely. One's of her with her grandfather, others with the serpents and some picture frames that were not yet filled with photos, which Cheryl found odd.

After a few minutes, Cheryl begins to feel invasive and sat back down, just as she did Toni comes back though the door, holding two massive burger and chips. "10 minutes flat" she laughs and passes Cheryl her food, "Enjoy".

"Thank you" she says as the girls sit down on opposite couches and begin to eat, something they both desperately needed. Half way through their meals Cheryl decides to ask about her family, "so you live with your grand father?" and waits for a reply, taking another bite. Toni looks up confused, "oh" Cheryl continues, "I saw the pictures, I just assumed---"

"Yeah, it's just me and him, my parents aren't around, he's my favourite person" she says, Cheryl can sense the ache in her voice. "He's obviously vey special to you" she says kindly, finishing her meal and putting it in the trash and sitting back down. 

"He is, oh and he's away for the week on business so don't worry about seeing him just yet" Toni replies, "so you saw the pictures, they're awful of me aren't they, that one over there" she gestures, "was taken when I first joined the serpents, about 2 years ago, it's the best one up there, and the only picture Sweet Pea has ever smiled in" and laughs happily whilst looking at it. Cheryl smiles in acknowledgment of Toni's feelings but yawns out of tiredness, rubbing her eyes.

"I hate to be rude, but I'm exhausted---" Cheryl begins but Toni quickly jumps in, "Oh shit, course, it's later than I thought" finishing her meal, "you take my bed like I said--- no, no arguments, please take it. You need a good sleep tonight".

"Thanks again Toni, and I'm sorry to put all this on you so late" Cheryl says, with Toni insisting "It's nothing". Cheryl then stands up, but the lingering alcohol hits her head and she falls over, practically over Toni. Toni then swears from panic, helping Cheryl back up and helping her to bed, "Goodnight" she says as Cheryl climbs into bed and watches Toni leave, "Goodnight". 

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