Part 14: Needing the Votes

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The next morning Cheryl awakes in the Topaz residence, alone. She looks around Toni's bedroom but doesn't spot her. She then gets up and walks out to the kitchen, seeing Toni dancing whilst making breakfast for her and her grandfather who appeared to still be sleeping. She walks up to Toni and wraps her arms around her waist. "Morning" Toni says softly, "sleep well?" 

"Best one I've had in a while" admits Cheryl who then walks into the lounge, still in view of her girl. "About what I said last night... about the serpents - I meant it" 

"I could tell, and I think it's a great idea" smiles Toni, dishing up some eggs on toast and passing it over to Cheryl and then girls begin to eat. 

"So how do I go about it?" asks Cheryl.

"Well after school, i'll go talk to FP and Jug, and meet you back here at 5pm, oh shit, Sweet Pea's waiting" Toni says, kissing on Cheryl on the cheek and heading out the door. 

A little while later, Cheryl gets dressed, for once in her own clothing, and leaves the trailer, picking up a few other serpents who needed lifts and they all head to school, the bell ring and the day commences. 

After the long day, Toni texts Jughead, who's sat in an empty classroom, writing. 

"Hey Jug, and Betty..." Toni says.

Betty then stands up, "Look Toni, i'm sorry about how everything went down near Pops a week ago, I talked to Jug and he explained things. Friends?" she asks and extends her arm in Tonis direction. 

Toni looks down and shakes her hand in agreement, but Betty pulls her into a hug and the girls then sit down near Jug, finally becoming friendly.

"Look Jug, I wanted to come talk to you about Cheryl, and I also need to talk to FP" Toni begins.

"Tons, I know it's about joining the serpents, we're all gathering at the Wyrm tonight to vote on it" replies Jughead. 

"I'm also trying to join, so there will be another vote" Betty says.

Later that day, at round 5pm, Toni gives Cheryl a call telling her she's welcome to go to the trailer and Toni will be there around 6pm. 

And with that, Toni, Pea, Fangs, Jughead and Betty all walk to the Wyrm together. Once there, they grab drinks and a table. FP then gets up onto the small stage at the front and everyone hushes up.

"You all should know by now, there are two possible new serpents, if we all vote and agree on it" and the room is dead silent. "All in favour of recruiting Cheryl Blossom, raise your hands" and 3/4 of all people in the room, willingly raise their hand, after growing to like and understand her. 

"And those in favour of recruiting Betty Cooper" and around the same amount of people raise their hands, but just a few less due to her mother opinions on the serpents. 

"There we go, our two new recruits, they will do their initiation tomorrow night, 8pm, so all be here" FP then walks off the stage, with everyone clapping and yelling. "Yes, Cheryl's in, wow never thought I'd say that" Sweet Pea explains, and gang begin to laugh. 

At exactly 6:05pm Toni makes it home to a cooked meal layed out on the table. 

"Whats all this?" she asks walking up to Cheryl, taking her hands.

"Well we haven't really talked about anything regarding us, and I wanted to officially have a date with you, even if it wasn't out anywhere" Cheryl says.

"This is----" Toni tries to say, at a loss for words, "Amazing Cheryl" and they both sit down at the table, cracking open a bottle of wine that was in the fridge. 

"Well, I have good news-----the reason I had to come late, was because I was at the Wyrm, they had a vote regarding you joining the serpents, and----You're in" Toni happily tells Cheryl.

"Oh my God, I'm----that's amazing, is that just it now, or what?" says Cheryl, beginning to ask many questions as Toni chuckles, seeing Cheryl so overjoyed. 

"Well, there's a dance, around a pole, on stage, in front of all the serpents, it's stupid and steeped in misogyny, but it stuck and people enjoy it" explains Toni, hoping it wouldn't scare Cheryl off. 

"Don't worry, if that's what I've got to do, that's how it is" Cheryl replies, nervously, knowing she'll have to dance in front of many people. 

The girls laugh and joke all night, covering almost every topic possible and even make their relationship official.

But the whole time in the back of Cheryl's mind was tomorrow nights event. 

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