Part 36: Party Time

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The party continues in high spirits, celebrating the end of the school year. Cheryl - for one of the first times - gets paraletically drunk, resulting in her needing assistance from her friends. Archie and Jughead down a whole keg to themselves, far too many people threw up in the garden and at around 3am, the Riverdale High teens leave. 

The gang all stay over, crashing all over the house. Josie ended up in the upstairs bath, passed out. Sweet Pea bought a bit too much weed, resulting in a high group consisting of Pea, Toni, Fangs and even Kevin. They literally laughed the whole night in the garden, and the boys crashed in the lounge. Toni managed to make it upstairs and climbed into bed, next to a passed out Cheryl. 

The next morning, the gang awake early - around 8am. The girls make their way downstairs to the gang, lighting up one of Peas blunts to comemerate the first day of summer. 

"Really? Inside the house?" says Cheryl, proceeding to laugh and take the blunt off Archie, smoking it herself. "Everyone sleep well?" she asks and continues to laugh, pointing at a practically dead Betty laying on the floor. 

"The best party" announces Pea, already a bit high from lighting up his own. 

Veronica coughs in disagreement, but swiftly laughs, "Kidding, yeah Cheryl the party was great" with the gang nodding in agreement. 

They leave all walk over to Pops to grab some breakfast and after a few hours, Cheryl and Toni walk home together to clean up their mess. 

Half way through their swift clean, theres a knock on the door. 

Not surprised by the knock since their friends are always making their way round. Cheryl opens the door, fainting at the sight. Toni turns her head in shock and runs up to her fallen girlfriend, trying to regain her consciousness. 

"I swear to God, if you don't leave I'm calling the police" Toni yells at the person by the door. 

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