Chapter 1~Aisha Malhotra

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Aisha POV

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Aisha POV

"Aishaaaaaaaa! Come back here!" Pari shouted my name as she realised what happened as I ran off laughing. 'STOP RUNNING AISHA!'

Ishita burst into laughter as Pari started to chase me.

"What's happening?" Abhi asked, walking in with Jai and Raj. I hid behind Abhi.

"Move Abhi," Pari ordered as he held her. "If you love me, then move now!"

Before Abhi could do anything, Jai grabbed me and Abhi held Pari tightly.

"Now, what's happening?" Raj wondered. "Ishu, why don't you explain?"

"Aisha ate the last chocolate brownie which was meant for Pari," Ishita explained. "She ate it in secret and when Pari came, she found that her brownie was gone and she knew that I already had one and Aisha didn't so she started to chase Aisha and then you three walked in."

"Well at least she ate something," Abhi joked and the others laughed while Aisha rolled her eyes.

"Sorry Pari," Aisha smiled apologetically.

"It's okay," Pari smiled back. "But next time you have to ask."

"Yessir!" Aisha saluted and hugged her friend.


"Wake up sleeping beauty," my brother shook me. I ignored him and pretended to sleep. "You aren't gonna listen right. Okay, don't complain then."

I felt my covers being pulled away from me. I got up and stared at him in annoyance.

"Bhaiya! Thanks for waking up," I said sarcastically.

"What else could I do? I put music on and you didn't wake so I did that but that doesn't wake the sleeping beauty up," Kabir mocked and I glared at him.

"What's happening here?" Naina Di said, entering the room. She eyed Kabir Bhaiya and I glaring at each other.

"Another Tom and Jerry fight," Naina Di sighed. "What happened Princess?"

Naina Di is my brother's girlfriend. She is a self-made woman and a successful fashion designer. I know she loves me more than Bhaiya.

"Bhaiya doesn't know how to wake up a person nicely," I complained and she chuckled at my expression.

"Bhaiya doesn't know how to wake up a person nicely," I complained and she chuckled at my expression

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"Kabir, be nice to Aishu," Naina glared at him and gave me a smile. "She complains about this all the time."

I smirked at Bhaiya who rolled his eyes but he smiled anyways.

"When are Ma and Dad coming home?" I asked. They had been gone for a week now for a business trip.

"They had to extend the business trip, they will be home in three to four days though. Don't worry, Naina will take care of us," Kabir Bhaiya said.

I stared at the picture of him and I. It had been three years since he had left. A lot has happened since then. I sighed and quickly changed into a floral dress. 

Litle did she know that he was going to return in her life

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Litle did she know that he was going to return in her life...

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I just wanna thank all of you who has been supporting me. Love you all especially these amazing gurls💞💞💞


What did you think of Aisha, Kabir and Naina? 

Till then signing off Mrs Hrithik Roshan Tia ❤❤❤

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Till then signing off
Mrs Hrithik Roshan
Tia ❤❤❤

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