Chapter 20~Roommates

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Rhea's POV

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Rhea's POV

I was combing my hair when Aisha came into the room.

"Good morning Rhee," Aisha chirped.

"Good morning," I replied.

"You know I completely forgot about your boyfriend," she remembered.

"He left me," I said softly.

"What could he?" Aisha said angrily.

"Don't be angry, I never loved him just liked him, but those felings also faded away," I assured her.

"Come downstairs, you have met Naina Di right?" She reminded me and I nodded.

"Bhaiya and she got engaged. Now the wedding is going to happen when the holiday break comes," Aisha said excitedly.

"Wow," I exclaimed.

"Oh and me and my friends have a lunch date," Aisha informed me.

"So.." I motioned for her to continue.

"You are coming and I have already picked our outfits," she said happily.

"Ok," I agreed.


"As usual Aisha is late again," Pari smirked.

"Actually here she comes with her sister," Abhi announced and pointed at her.

"Actually here she comes with her sister," Abhi announced and pointed at her

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My eyes widened at the girl who arrived with Aisha. Ishita gave me an I-know-you-like her look.

"Hey guys sorry I am late," she apologised.

"You normally are," Rohan smirked and Aisha glared at him.

"Who's your twin?" Raj asked.

"You had a sister and you didn't tell us," Pari faked. She is such a drama queen.

"Noo Pari, I told you about Rhea, guys meet my cousin and one of my best friends, Rhea. Rhee, meet my other best friends, " Aisha introduced us.

"Hi Rhea," all of us smiled at her.

"Hey guys," she smiled sweetly. My heart skipped a beat.

After lunch, I, Rohan and Aisha went to our secret spot.

"Ok I need to know everything about Rhea," I commanded.

"Woah what happened," Rohan asked.

"She is the girl who I saw and gave my heart to," I confessed.

"AWWWWW!" Aisha squealed and Rohan just smiled.

"It's a small world," Rohan grinned.

Aisha then told us everything about Rhea.

"That's terrible," Rohan said sympathetically and I nodded.

Rohan POV

"Wow lover boy," I said and Aisha laughed while Jai just blushed.

"Jai, one of the college's heartthrobs, likes a girl," Aisha jumped up and down.

"I gotta go now, my parents are expecting me," Jai said and kissed Aisha's cheek and hugged me.

"Your parents, they are home?" I asked in surprise while Jai nodded. Jai belonged to a rich family and his parents lived in another city as they managed a large empire. Jai spent most of his time with mine or Aisha's parents but he missed his parents terribly though it was his decision to complete his schooling in this city.

"Anyways bye!" He

"Jai is in love," Aisha said dreaming as we walked down the street. Already some boys were gawking at her.

"Yes," I replied and pulled her closer to me and they all glared at me.

"You attract boys so fast," I informed her.

"Oh I know it's normal," she giggled.

"Your home has come," I said.

"Oh right," she smiled and kissed my cheek. I felt my body heating up. I loved the fact that she was close to me.

Aisha POV

I went in.

"Hey Bhabhi," I greeted her.

"Hi Princess, the wedding dates are confirmed." Naina Di said excitedly.

"Remember Rhee," I asked her.

"Of course I do. I have just been talking to her." Naina grinned. "She looks so much like you."

Just then Bhaiya comes in.

"Hey baby," he greeted Naina and kissed her on her lips.

"Ahem," I coughed.

"AHEM," I tried again louder.

They both jumped apart.

"Hey little sister," Bhaiya just smirked.

"Ugh, get a room," I groaned and walked into my room.

"Hey Rhee," I hugged her.

"Hi Aishu," she hugged me back.

"Did you like my friends?" I asked. "They liked you a lot."

"Yes they are so nice," she smiled gratefully.

"I promise you Rhee, you will get the same love from me, Ma, Dad and Bhaiya, oh and Bhabhi." I promised.

"Oh I already am," she smiled a bit more.

Your views on the update😎

Well next chapter we go to my hometown for a wedding😉

Well next chapter we go to my hometown for a wedding😉

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Till then signing off
Mrs Hrithik Roshan

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