Chapter 27~Happy Birthday Rhee

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Rhea POV

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Rhea POV

I woke up. Today was my birthday. I noticed that Aisha wasn't asleep in her bed.

"Finally," said a voice behind me.

"Aishu," I turned around.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY RHEEE," she shouted.

"Awwwwww Aishu," I hugged her back.

"Ok so this is the moment I have been waiting for," she said excitedly.

Aisha went to her closet and came back with a small package.

"Happy birthday Rhea," she wished me again and handed the package.

I said my thanks and opened it. There was a small box and inside the box was a beautiful necklace.

 There was a small box and inside the box was a beautiful necklace

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"This is such a beautiful necklace ," I said, examining it.

"Not a necklace," Aisha smiled and took the necklace and opened the heart revealing a picture of my mum. "It's a locket."

I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes.

"No crying babe," Aisha said and wiped my tears.

"Aisha you are the best," I said and hugged her.

"That I know," Aisha gave a cheeky smile. "But wait till you get downstairs, there are so many more presents."

"So how did the sleeping beauty wake up?" I smirked.

"Well she is not meant to be asleep forever right," Aisha said, giggling.

"Right," I agreed.

"All the presents have arrived and the party is set this evening," Aisha informed me. "Let's go downstairs. Everyone is waiting."

Let me tell you one thing. Aisha is so sweet. I know she has been planning a party for me. She didn't even let me help her. What did I do to deserve someone like her?

"Happy birthday Sweetie," Dad wished me and engulfed me into a hug.

"Thanks Dad," I hugged him back.

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