Chapter 32~Exams and Maasti!

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Aisha POV

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Aisha POV

I woke up earlier than Rhee who is still sleeping. I smiled to myself as I remembered what happened yesterday.

Suddenly a rock comes into my room. I glanced outside and saw Rohan.

 I glanced outside and saw Rohan

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"Aishu," Rhee called out.

I quickly signal for Rohan to leave and he runs off.

I smile at him running.

"Rhee," I beam at her.

"Who woke you up?" Rhea asked.

"I woke up by myself," I said with a smile.

"Really," she raised her eyebrows.

"Now you think I can't wake up by myself," I whined.

"There is no need for whining, I was just asking," Rhea rolled her eyes. "I bet you woke up because of the exams."

"Yeah I did." I was worried about this week.

Today was the day when exams started. This is exam week.

I grabbed an outfit and put it on.

I saw that Rhea was already downstairs talking to Jai and Rohan. Rohan came and kissed my forehead.

"Leave that for later please," Rhea smirked.

"We are getting late," Jai smiled.

"We are not late," Rohan protested. "But let's go."

We reached and got out of the car.


I have been waiting for this day. The day Aisha becomes mine.

I see her getting out of the car with her four friends. But why is she so close to Rohan? I felt my blood boil. I walked towards the four.

"Aisha, hey," I called out.

"Adi," she smiled and walked towards me.

"Can I know the answer please?" I asked.

"Sorry Adi, I don't love you. You are a really good friend and a great guy, but I love Rohan," Aisha confessed.

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