Chapter 29~ Special Moments

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Aisha POV

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Aisha POV

Friday was here at last. The yearly exams are very soon now. There was a lot of pressure. Especially now that we are in the last year of high school.

We have to decide what universities we go to. But today is Friday and I have the weekend to worry abou that.

"Aisha," Pari called out.

I glanced in Pari's direction. I saw her, Rhea and Ishita waving at me. I went over to them.

"Hey, so what's today's plans?" I asked.

"I am going out with Abhi," Pari responded.

"And I am going with Raj," Ishita continued.

"And I am going with Jai," Rhea added.

"You could have said directly you know," I stated.

"We know. Seems like you and Rohan are spending some time alone," Ishita smiled.

"Yup because you are ditching me," I fake cried.

"Shut up Aishu," Rhea said and rolled her eyes. "Maybe you will figure out your feelings."

"What feelings?" I asked, puzzled.

"You will see Aisha darling," Pari winked.

"Ok but I have no idea," I said blankly. "See you later."

I walked towards Shero and Batuk. They both were engaged in their own conversation.

"Can I join?" I asked them.

"Hey Aisha," they chimed together.

"Hey, what are you talking about?" I asked.

"Careers, Rohan is hoping to apply for a music course," Jai said.

"Oh yes," I said, sounding bored.

"What happened?" They both asked.

"Nothing, I am just tired from talking about all these exams," I complained.

I was. Everyday of these weeks, my parents, friends and teachers have been talking about our exams. I just need one night's break from all this stress. I know it's a very important thing but I need to rest.

"I see," Rohan nodded.

"Aisha," Adi smiled at me.

"Adi," I smiled back.

"Are you free tonight?" He asked.

"Oh no, sorry," I replied.

"No problem, let's hang out tomorrow than," he asked.

"Sure," I agreed.

"Bye," he said and I went to my car.

"Do you like him?" Rhea asked, coming out of nowhere.

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