Chapter 28~Feeling Jealous

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Rhea POV

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Rhea POV

"Where is Aisha?" Ma asked.

"Upstairs, getting ready," I replied.

"She always takes a lot of time, she is on her mother," Dad pointed out and I laughed.

"Did you just say that?" Ma glared at Dad.

"Nah...Good morning Rohan and Jai," Dad greeted them, avoiding the topic.

"Good morning dad," they chimed.

"Good morning ma and dad, Rhea, Bhabhi and Bhaiya, Rohan and jiju," Aisha said happily as she came down the stairs.

"Who is jiju?" I asked.

"Jai," Aisha chirped while Jai rolled his eyes.

"Aisha you have gone too far now," Dad warned her and she smiled mischievously.

Aisha POV

It's been a week since Jai and Rhea revealed their relationship to the public.

"Aisha," Rhea called out.

"Rhee, how is it going?" I asked.

"Perfect, except that all the girls are staring at me like I have committed a crime," Rhea sighed.

Just then, Jacqueline shot an angry look at Rhea's direction.

"See what I mean," Rhea sighed.

"They are jealous," Jai said and joined us.

"I see that Jai has turned into a protective and caring boyfriend," I said, Jai went red and Rhea laughed.

"Yes," Jai agreed, blushing.

"I am so happy for you shero," I said genuinely. "I am glad you finally found someone."

"Me too," he smiled back.

"Where is Rohan?" I asked, wondering where that idiot is.

"Over there," Jai said, pointing.

I glanced at Rohan's direction. He was talking to two girls who were all over him. I felt my blood boil. Why is he so close to them?

"Why are they so close to him?" I complained.

"His choice, princess," Jai replied. "Any problem?"

"Why would I have any problems?" I snapped.

"Because you seem jealous," Rhea said a matter-of-factly.

"I am not jealous," I said and walked off.

Rhea POV

She was definitely jealous. I saw her glaring at those girls. She is probably confused about her feelings. I really hope she doesn't fall for Adi.

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