Chapter 31~Roisha are finally together

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Aisha POV

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Aisha POV

I was stunned. I tried to call him but he wasn't picking up the phone as Anju Ma said.

"He isn't picking up the phone," Isighed . "I will go and look for him."

I quickly texted the others about Rohan missing. I went to my car.

I went to all of his favorite places. But he wasn't there.

I quickly messaged my friend that I had no luck finding him. Where could he be?

Then it hit me. Could he be at this hiding spot? But why would he want to stay there for so long?

I drove to his favourite spot. I parked the car and walked into his area.

I saw him sitting there.

"Rohan," I called out.

He didn't turn around. I walked to him. I realised that his eyes were red and puffy.

"Rohan," I said, worried. "Were you crying?"

He just ignored me.

"Rohan, why are you acting like this," I started. "Everyone is so worried."

"CAN YOU SHUT UP," he shouted.

I was surprised by his outburst.

"What happened?" I asked calmly.

"Go back to Adi," he spat. "It doesn't matter if I love you."

He loves me. Then it hit me.

Rohan POV

I didn't dare to meet her hazel eyes. She seemed surprised by my answer. Her lips formed a perfect circle. I felt hurt.

"Rohan, Adi isn't my boyfriend," she replied.

"Yes he is," I spat. "I saw him propose to you."

"I didn't say yes Rohan," Aisha said.

"Why? Don't you love him," I shot back.

"CAUSE I LOVE YOU IDIOT," she confessed.

"You do," I whispered.

She loved me. I have always felt a feeling of happiness whenever I am around Aisha, a feeling that I don't get from anybody else but only her.

I looked into her beautiful hazel eyes. They were warm and filled with love.

"Finally, now listen up," Aisha chirped. "I love you Ro..."

I didn't let her complete. I have been wanting to hear those four words for a long time now. I pressed my lips against her.

She was stunned with my actions but responded to the kiss. She pulled back, blushing.

"What happened with Adi?" I asked.

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