1. The Kerberos Mission

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"Y/N!", Shiro yelled. I turned around and looked at my older brother. "Have you guys found anything yet?", I asked them while I made my way to them. "Yup. Some kind of unknown hydatogenous rock I think... But its consistency is very weird.", Matt said. He took a little test tube out of his bag and with a some sort of scalpel he scratched a bit, of the rock they've found, into the tube. "We should take some samples of it back to earth so we can send it to the Garrison Laboratory.", Shiro said. I nodded. "Guys.. I still can't believe it, do you?", I asked and looked around. "What do you mean?", Samuel asked me. 

"I mean look at all of this!", I said and did a twirl to express my feelings. "We are in space. We are one the many who were chosen for this mission. We really did it!" I smiled and also my brother had a big smile spread across his face. "You're right.", Shiro chuckled and for the first time the four of us left our work behind and we looked around. "I've never been so near the stars.. It's-"

"Amazing.", Matt and I breathed. We chuckled, while his dad and Shiro continued investigating the new species of organism we discovered. Then he sighed and said, "God, I miss Pidge." A sad look laid in his eyes and he continued looking into the stars. "Your little sister, right?", I asked. He nodded.

"I am sure you two would get along quiet nicely. She's a lot like you but a little more stubborn. And you aren't that serious compared to her. You should meet her when we head back home.", Matt proposed and I smiled. "I'd love to.", I answered with thinking how Pidge would look like.

I put an arm around his waist, because he's so tall, and tried to cheer him up, "Don't worry. The mission's almost completed. Two more months and we'll be back to earth before you can say-"

"Spaceship!", Shiro yelled.

"Uhm.. no I was gonna say Supercalifragelistic but that works too..", I said a bit confused. "No.. I mean spaceship!", He said again and pointed at the big thing that that flew in our direction. Suddenly I had to fight with anxiety. "Is it dangerous?", I asked scared. "I don't know. HELLO! WE COME IN PEACE!", Shiro yelled to the ship in the sky. 

Nothing happened. 

But soon a violet beam approached and Shiro yelled, "Run!" We did as told but unfortunately we weren't quick enough. First Samuel got sucked into the light and Matt screamed, while tears were running down his face. "DAD!", He yelled over and over again and he wanted to run back but I held his arm. "Let me go!", He said. "C'mon Matt! We have to go! Shiro!", I called my brother and he came along. He help me dragging Matt away from the beam but he tripped. Next off he and Matt got sucked into the beam. 

For a second I thought I was dreaming and stood still. Everything's a bad nightmare and soon I'll wake up and Shiro's sitting in the living room watching TV. But no. 

As I snapped back to reality it was already to late and the light had caught me. I screamed the air out of my lungs and cried. Hot liquid everywhere. I tried to grab something to avoid flying into the ship but I slipped. I felt that all gravity was gone and that my body got carried away from the ground.

And then nothing but Darkness.  

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