29. Difficulties

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2 Weeks later

Y/n P.o.V.:

The last weeks were hard. Every mission failed somehow because Lance and Keith wouldn't work together as a team. Everytime Lance looked at Keith he had a sorry look in his eyes but Keith avoided his gazes. And everytime Shiro tried to talk to them both of them ignored him and tried to do everything on their own. Even though Keith ignored Lance, the best he could, he is really heartbroken and sad about what happened between them. 

 Pidge and I couldn't spend time together because Allura drilled us to train at least 5 to 8 hours a day. 

Shiro, Coran and the princess are always discussing new war theories, so my brother doesn't have time for me either. If Pidge is free for a moment she's working with Hunk. They try upgrade the castle's self-defense mode. 

The only person I hang around with is Keith, who is really depressed because of the whole Lance Drama. We are sitting on my bed, I am hugging my knees while Keith is sobbing into my pillow. This is the fifth time this week that Keith is crying into my pillow and it's only wednesday. "I'm sorry, Y/n. I know I am really annoy you but I can't help it. Everytime I look at him or I even think of him I feel tears dwelling up and my throat gets dry and I don't know, how to stop it. 

I think I really love him.", Keith confessed. I patted his back. "It's okay. It's just.. I hate to see you like this."

"I never used to be like this. I .. I don't know what he's doing to me. I just feel like a piece of trash. I feel so... useless.", he said with a low voice, raspy and sore from crying. 

That's when I had enough. "That's it!", I huffed and stood up. "W-what are you doing? Where are you going?!", Keith yelled as I went through the door. I didn't heard ruffling and footsteps, so I assumed that he wasn't following me. 

"I can't stand seeing you like this. Whatever Lance has done, he didn't have the right to hurt you like this and I am going to set an end to your misery!", I yelled through the hallway, so Keith would still hear me. 

"Y/n, I don't know if this is a good idea...", I heard him yelling from my room.

"I don't care!"

I entered the dining room and saw Hunk, Lance and Pidge at the table, they were eating space-goo. "Lance McClain!", I yelled. His head snapped into my direction and immediately I got his attention. 

"Y/n! Sup?", he asked, half confused, half optimistic. "Don't 'sup'me! You are an awful person and you have to pay for what you did!", I told him. His face went pale and his eyes widened. "What did I do this time?", he asked scared. 

"You hurt Keith, you dumbass! He's crying all the time. He almost hates himself for what you did. He's doubting himself and is a sad, little emo bean and I can't believe that it's just because of you!", I screamed. "Y/n.. Maybe you shouldn't...", Hunk interferred but I cut him off, "Not now Hunk! He really is heartbroken and I've never ever seen him like this!"

I didn't notice how Keith listened to everything I said. He's standing in the doorframe with my blanket wrapped around his shoulders. "I love Keith...", I said and suddenly Pidge said, "You love him?" Her voice sounded broken and hurt. 

"Like a brother of course! And the way you treated him... it's the last thing I expected from you.." "Y/n, let me explain..", Lance began. "No you won't explain anything to me! Keith is one of the best human beings I know and he doesn't deserve anything like that. You don't deserve him!"

"Y/n please! Listen to me...", Lance tried again, a bit louder this time. But I wouldnt't let him talk because I was in such a rage of anger. 

"No Lance! YOU listen to ME! The best thing to do is giving Keith your best apology! Even though it won't be enough it's a good start! And I am telling you one thing: 

I've known Keith for 6 years now... If he loves anything or anyone, it has to be very special because you can't win his trust like it's just some gold medal or something. You really have to be someone special and if you don't appreciate that than I am going to-"

"OH MY GOD Y/N! I LIKE KEITH! I LIKE HIM MORE THAN ANYTHING!", Lance yelled. Everything went silent. I felt my heart hammering against my thorax. Now I am confused. 

"Wait.. what?", I asked. 

"Yeah.. After what I said to Keith.. I was angry. Angry at myself.. for having said those awful things and I was angry for being this scared. Where I come from it's a crime being gay.. or liking boys the way you are supposed to like girls. I am.. was scared of being judged. But I only realized it when I talked to Pidge. She made me realize two things...

I love myself the way for what I am... 

Gay.. Straight or Bi.. It doesn't make any difference. 

And second... 

I like Keith. I like his awful mullet and I like his terrible emo style and his stupid gloves and that damn smile that drives me insane and his violet, big, beautiful eyes and his pale skin and I love that he is so tiny and selfless and that he acts like a 'loner'but deep down he knows that we are his family and I like him for being so nice and kind even though I didn't deserve any of his kindness and ugh...

And I am an idiot for realizing it too late. I was going to apologize to him but I didn't know how.. So I wanted to talk to him tonight.. 

I couldn't find him.. so I went to get something to eat because I haven't eaten for 3 days now. I feel so bad and awful just for doing this to him... Everytime I tried to eat something I felt like throwing up...   and now you appeared and.. 

I wanted to say.. I am sorry.. I really am. I acted like a stupid, idiotic jerk and I regret hurting him like that. I just want to make things right and I hope he'll accept my apology and maybe we could start all over again..", He confessed. I realized that his voice went quiet at the end. 

The whole room was silent, nobody said a word.

"Apology accepted. And I'd love to start over again.", Keith's voice jolted through the room. 

We all turned to the door where Keith stood. His hair was messy from cuddling into the pillow and his eyes were still puffy and red from crying. "Keith..", was all Lance said. He ran to him and hugged him. At first Keith was surprised but then he wrapped his arms around Lance and hid his face in Lances shoulder. "I am so.. so sorry.", Lance muffled into Keiths hair. "It's okay..."

A small smile creeped onto my face. "Finally..", I huffed. Suddenly I felt a hand, wrapped around mine. It's Pidge. She pointed with her head to the door and I nodded. Together we left the room. As soon as we entered her room she said, "I am sorry... I didn't have much time recently and I really wanted to see you but..."

"It's totally fine.", I cut her off. "I just missed hanging out with you.", I confessed. A light blush spread across her face. "I wanted to talk to you.", She said. Butterflies filled my stomach and hammered through my whole body. 

"All the stuff with Lance and Keith made me realize something. A feeling I knew was there all the time but I couldn't accept it... And please don't freak out but..."



I hated S8. It was one of the biggest disappointments ever. fight me if u don't like my opinion. I literally cried from anger because the last episodes were so depressing. 

Maybe klance isn't canon kind but it surely is fanon king. 

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