12. The Green Lion

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Y/n P.o.V:

"Do you begin to feel something?", Shiro asked. I shook my head and sighed. We were sitting in a boat which was led by some sloth-creature. Shiro, Pidge and me were on the search for Pidge's Lion. She was sitting infront of me, her back turned to me. I was sitting  in the middle while Shiro was in the back of the boat. The sloth rowed the boat with a long stick down the river.

"I just hope we'll find it soon.", Shiro said, you could hear the anxiety in his voice. I turned around and laid my hand on his knee. "It's gonna be okay. Nothing's going to happen.", I smiled and ecouraged him to smile too. Suddenly I felt sharp pain and I yelped.
"I feel something!" Pidge immediately turned around, took my hand and gave it a light squeeze. I felt heat crawling up my neck and cheeks. Her hazelnut-brown eyes filled with concern where looking at me while she asked, "Can you say where the Lion is?"

I nodded and pointed to something that looks like a hill of roots. I grabbed my head and squeezed my eyes together. But the pressure just got heavier the nearer we came. The boat reached the bank and the sloth helped us crawling out of the boat. As soon as Shiro stood on his feet he said, "I think it's Pidge's turn now? Ready Pidge?" She nodded. Then he turned to me and checked, "And you are sure it's in here?"

"I know it's in there..", I said through my gritted teeth. "I can feel it too.. It feels like it's Kind of.. calling me.", Pidge said. I smiled at her and said, "Go get 'em, Tiger!" She laughed and made her way to the hill. The little girl started climbing up the root-hill until she reached the top. She threw one last glance at me. Her eyes were filled with curiosity and fear.

I gave her two thumbs up and a bright smile. "You can do it!", I yelled. She gulped and jumped. After a Minute of silence, green lightning was streaming out of between the roots and suddenly a big , robotic lion  flew out of it. A bright smiling Pidge sat inside of it. 

- Time Skip -

As soon as we arrived back at the castle we found out that Hunk and Lance had found the yellow lion and that only the red lion was left to find. "That's good news. After finding all lions you will be able to form Voltron and stopping Zarkon is more possible than ever.", Allura cheered. 

Everyone else joined in but soon the other Paladins except for Pidge left the room. She sat on a chair and was tipping something on the castle's screen. 

"You did a pretty good job today, Pidge!", I said while walking towards her. 

The little girl jumped and turned around. "Y/n! You scared the crap out of me, I thought everyone was gone... And thanks.. but it wasn't that much of a big deal.", She said.

"Don't be so selfless about it! Honestly, what you did today was pretty awsome.", I told her. She just gave me a 'If you say so' and continued to press some things on the screen. An uncomfortable silence filled the air.

"AAAnyway... What are you  even doing?", I asked whilst I leaned against her. "Oh, nothing much.. just programming some features for the particle barrier.", she answered casually. "Sounds interesting. Uh.. do you need a helping hand?", I offered. She adjusted her glasses and I swear I saw her face reddened a shade. "I mean.. there's nothing much to do anymore and I am already finished but if you're free for tonight we could.. I dunno.. watch a movie or something? I was able to build a little kind of TV and Lance somehow brought some movies from earth, so... But you don't have to and I understand if you have something more important to do.. I mean-",

"It's a date. Just come to my room when you're ready, alright?", I cut her off and smiled.          

 "O-Okay.", She stuttered and I turned around and walked towards the door. Before entering it I swear I could hear a quiet 'It's a date'.

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