31. The Bracelet

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Pidge played with my bracelet that hangs on my right wrist. "I always knew this bracelet was there but I never asked why. Has it a special meaning?", Pidge broke the silence. I chuckled. "Back on Earth. When I celebrated my 7th birthday, Shiro got me this bracelet as a present. And you see the little pendants? Every year he bought me a new one. The year he attended the Garrison I got a little rocketship. And this one.. the little guitar. It represents my relationship and friendship with Keith. Even though I hated him for a long time.. I couldn't take it off because he's still a big part of my life. It's a guitar because little emo- Keith used to play guitar for me everytime I got depressed or sad.

And you know what? I cleary know what my next pendant will be.", I told her.

She cocked and eyebrow and gave me a courious look. I just smirked.

"Come on! Tell me.", she whined.

"Nah.. you have to wait and see.", I chuckled.

"That's not fair! You started it, now you have to tell me!", she continued whining but I just shook my head and laughed. Suddenly I felt two hands on each side of me and her face was a few centimeters away from my face. She sat on my thighs and jammed both of my arms, with her legs onto my body, so I couldn't move. While sitting on me and she leaned in. Shortly before our lips touched she paused and had a shit-eating grin on her face."You are such an savage.", I told her. "I know. And I am sorry but I have to do this now. You could save yourself by telling me, of course."

"Save myself from you? What are you going to do, babe? Tickle me?", I mocked her. At 'Babe' I saw the tips of her ear's turn red but she tried to keep up her act. "Exactly.", She smirked. And suddenly I felt fingers everywhere, and I squirmed and screamed and pleaded her to stop. But she didn't. She continued torturing me. As soon as tears from laughing started running down my face, she stopped. I had to take deep breaths to lower my racing heart. "You... you.. puha.. you are sooo in trouble.", I told her and jumped onto her. "I am sorry! I am sorry! I am sorry!", she screeched and tried to escape my grip.

"Well, too late." I started my revenge by tickling her neck, then her stomach and I knew her laugh would be the end of me. So I stopped. Her chestnut coloured eyes were filled confusion and relief. I slowly took of her glasses. The glasses Matt used to wear. She told me about it one night, we both couldn't sleep and we started telling storys from our past.

Our gaze was conntected and for a single moment unbreakable. "What..", came out of her mouth but it was so quiet that it faded into nothing. Only a whisper. I slowly leaned in while I brushed a stroke of hair ,that hung into her face, behind her ear. I felt her shivering. I gulped and she took a deep breathe. Slowly she closed her eyes and her eyelashed laid perfect on her freckled cheeks. I shut my eyes too and finally our lips collided. Her pouty lips were so warm and smooth. I could lie if I said that our first kiss was perfect. I mean it was sloppy and and different to every kiss I experienced with Keith. But still.. It was perfect for me.

And the feeling that spreaded through my body was indefineable and yet so familiar. It was like every goosebump I got when our hands touched and every butterfly that danced in my tummie when I looked into her eyes. But now it's all together like a huge firework that took control over my body. I just feel so fullfilled. I pulled away for a second. "Katie.. I think I fell really hard for you.", I confessed. A dark blush spreaded across her whole face and she bit her lip. Oh my god, this girl is going to be the death of me. "Well.. what should I say...", She began. I chuckled. "Just shut up and kiss me.", Pidge threatened me, pulled on the collar of my shirt and our lips connected again.

And before I could think clear again I found us, making out on the floor. 

Until suddenly the alarm blasted through the ship and both of us jumped. I helped her standing up. "We got to go!", She said and I nodded. Hand in hand we ran to the centrale and most of the paladins were already waiting. Just Keith and Lance were missing. As both of them entered the room, swollen lips and messy hair, I knew exactly why they were late. 

"Shiro what's wrong?", I asked as I saw his stressed face. He sharply inhaled. "A galran prisoner ship is making it's way in our direction.", He said. "And? Where's the problem? Let's form Voltron, free the prisoners, kick the Galran's in their balls and get celebrated!", Lance joked. He knew it's a serious situation and that he shouldn't joke, as nobody cheered. Keith gave him an apologetic smile and lightly squeezed his hand. 

"There is a problem..", Allura interferred. "What?", I asked. 

"There are two prisoners.. and if the Galras find out about our attack they will keep them as hostages or worse.. kill them.", Shiro informed us. 

"Who are the prisoners?", Pidge asked carefully. 

Shiro took a deep breath. 

"We think Matt and your father are on this ship."


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