32. Rescue Attempt

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Pidge P.o.V.:

I felt her hand on my shoulder again. "Are you really sure you want to come with us?", Y/n asked for the third time. I took her hand, turned around and looked into her eyes. I sighed, "For the third time. Yes! My brother and my father are on that ship! Of course I want to rescue them.", I told her. She gulped. "What?", I asked serious.

"It's just... you haven't seem them for a long time and they've been captured by the Galra and believe me I know what these monsters are capable of. I just.. I am worried about them. What if Shiro is wrong and they are.. gone. I wouldn't be able seeing you going through pain like that.", She confessed and rubbed my hand with her thumb.

"I am optimistic and I trust Shiro...", I told her even though it wasn't the whole truth. I just have to try it. It's my family after all.

Allura entered the room. "Are you ready?", she asked through the round. Everyone of the other paladins nodded and Shiro took over control, "To your lions. Y/n and Pidge, you come with me, we'll try to find Sam and Matt. Lance and Allura, you fly with the blue lion and guard the west and south wing of the ship. Keith and Hunk take care of east and north. All the floors are connected right here." He pointed at the plan of the Galran ship, where a circle connected 4 lines inside of a big circle.

"Good Luck.", Allura said and everyone made his way to the lions. Y/n went with Shiro. Before they left the room she gave me a quick peck on the cheek, squeezed my hand lightly and put on her helmet. I blushed but instantly remembered the mission and went to my lion.

Y/n P.o.V.:

I entered the black lion and Shiro sat down in his seat. As soon as he touched the cockpit of black, the robotic lion started to roar and flew it's way out of the castle. I held tightly onto the arm rests of Shiro's seat. It felt like I pushed against tons of weight.

The good thing was that we reached the Galran ship in no time. Suddenly I heard a rasp in my helmet and Allura's voice rumbled through my ears. "Paladins! You know what to do! Shiro, Y/n? Have you entered the ship yet?", the princess asked.

"Not yet. Give us 4 dobashes.", Shiro answered. "Ready?", He asked me, with a look that only a brother could give his little sister. I nodded and whispered, "I was born ready." We left Black through his mouth and went to the green lion who came to a stand next to us. Pidge flew towards us and together we flew to ship. There was a hatch on the bottom of the ship but Pidge scanned it, typed some buttons and like magic the hatch opened and we could enter the ship unimpeded.

The compartment of the ship we entered, was where the cells of the prisoners were located. A few Galra's were guarding the corridor. I noticed how Pidge's hands started to shake. "Hey.. it'll be okay? We'll find them.", I tried calming her down, as I took her hand. She took a deep breathe and nodded. "Girls, you'll look for Matt and Sam in this quadrant-", Shiro pointed at a small holograph of the ship, "- and I'll look here and here. Who'll be the first to find them, immediately contacts the other paladins so we can leave and -"

"Wait... What about the other prisoners?", I cut Shiro off.

He sighed and with a tone filled with regret he said, "We.. we have to leave them here..."

"What!? We can't just leave them!", I snapped. Pidge shushed me and whispered, "You can't yell, or else we'll attract attention." I swallowed my anger and whispered, "We can't just leave them here!" Shiro's already opressive face got even more opressive as he told me, "It's to dangerous. There are at least 130 prisoners. A full out rescuemisson is impossible, without fighting the Galra's. They would hurt or even kill the prisoners that'll try to escape. We wouldn't just risk our life's, we would also risk theirs."

I sighed. I felt like shit. I felt how my eyes got teary but no.. I can't be weak now. I have to be strong, for Pidge. "I am sorry.", Pidge whispered and took my hand. "It's okay... let's just.. save Matt and your Dad.", I said.

After there was green light on attacking the guards, we threw them in an empty cell and put on their armors. Then we started searching for Pidge's family in every cell. After 18 cells and no luck two guards entered the hallway. "Act natural.", Pidge whispered.

"You!", one of them yelled and pointed at me. "M-Me?", I asked shocked. "Yes, you. The captain wants to see you.", He told me. "That's not possible, I have a strict order to look after the prisoners.", I lied. "I don't care. Captain wants to see you and I don't want to get into a fight with the captain.", He said and took me by the arm. I swallowed. "I'm coming with you but let me inform my partner about my job so he can fullfill it while I'm gone."

Both of them nodded. "You have to continue looking for your brother, okay? I'll be right back.", I informed her. Her eyes reflected fear but she nodded against her will. It wouldn't be a good idea to fight them now, because our bayards wouldn't have a chance against two guards with laserguns.

I went with the guards and they brought me into a crowded room. I couldn't see a thing until they threw me into the middle of the circle surrounded by Galra's.

Roughly I fell on my knees. "Ouch..", I mumbled and looked around me. "Y/n!", someone screamed and I saw Allura who's held by two guards. Lance and Hunk were also there but they were handcuffed to each other. "What is going on here?", I asked with a strong voice. But inside I was feeling everything but strong.

My gaze fell on a creature that stood behind a kind of podium. The person was wrapped in some kind of big coat. White, long hair covered the face. "Can we begin now?", The person croaked and suddenly everone in the room went silent. It was a woman who talked, even though it was hard to identify. "What do you want from us Haggar!?", Allura screamed.

"Your quintessence...", She laughed. "What's quintessence?", I asked. A few Galras laughed. The so called Haggar sighed and said, "It's the power and energy every living and sometimes non-living creature contains, stupid." "And why do you want it?", I asked again.

"So her powers become mighty and invincible.", Allura explained. "And you don't have a choice. Because if you won't give it to me, I'll just take it.", Haggar added.

"But how is it possible you knew about our attack!?", Lance screamed and tried to kick a guards leg but missed. "Maybe you have a traitor in your group?", Haggar laughed bitterly. "That's impossible! No one of the paladins would betray us like that.", Hunk interferred.

"Well not intended.", Haggar said. "Just say what you mean, you old witch!", I yelled. "Oh my poor child, you shouldn't be talking because it was you who brought Voltron into this misery. It was you all along.", The witch said to me as she grabbed my chin roughly. I snatched my head away from her and asked annoyed, "And what does that mean."

"I'm sure you remember your and your brother's captivity a few phoebes ago."

"What about that?", I asked, kind of scared of what she'll say next.

"Your little implant brought me directly to Team Voltron.", She explained.


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