20. Group exercises

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Y/n P.o.V.:

Last evening I was on the training deck with Pidge. It was really fun. We tried out different weapons and techniques but in the end the gladiator beat us up. But still it was fun. 

Unfortunately this doesn't reduce the feelings I have for her. 

But that's not what I should be dealing with right now. Today Allura planned to do some group exercises. This morning the team tried to form Voltron again but this time it didn't work. So the princess came to the conclusion that some bonding is necessary. And here we are now. 

Sitting in a circle with weird electro helms that project our thoughts and reflection of happiness. Everyone closed their eyes but I dared to glance a peek of everyone's wishes. In front of Lance was a big picture of a family. You can clearly see the relation between him and the people on the picture. Hunk dreamed of food. Infront of Keith was the shed he lived in. God I knew that place too well. Shiro's wish was represented by a picture of me on my first day at the Garrison. And the projection in front of me, was Shiro smiling at me. 

But as soon as I looked at Pidge I knew something was up. A picture of her and Matt flickered infront of her and it wouldn't stop. "C'mon Pidge, you have to concentrade.", Keith said. She frowned and tried even harder but the flickering wouldn't stop. "Could you please stop thinking of your girlfriend?", Lance asked. 

Her eyes widened and she scoffed. "That's not-" Suddenly the picture changed and a girl with brown, curly hair and dark skin smiled at Pidge. Pidge gasped at the projection infront of her and blushed. I felt something rise inside me. Some kind of weird Anger? Why was Pidge thinking about this girl? Was this feeling jealousy? I gulped.

"Guys, Keep it together. Pidge, try to concentrade on the exercise and Lance mind your own business.", Shiro interfered. Everyone closed their eyes again and finally we finished the exercise. 

- Time Skip -

After an eventful day I went to my room to shower. 

I stood infront of the mirror and eyed myself. A girl with e/c eyes and h/c hair looked at me. I tied my hair into a bun since I've already washed my hair this morning. I undressed myself and stepped into the shower. After waiting for a bit I felt hot water shower down my neck and back. Immediately I felt my muscles relax and a wave of relief left my body. A hot shower really is the highlight of a hard day. I took a deep breathe and enjoyed the feeling of waterdrops pattering against my skin.   

I thought about today and what had happened. About the failed attempt to form voltron and the group exercises. And suddenly I remembered what happened when we did the bonding exercise with the projection helmets. At first Pidge thought about Matt, which is totally understandable. But as soon as the picture changed Pidge blushed, as soon as she recognized the girl. 

This must mean that this girl means something to Pidge. I felt a sting in my chest but ignored it. What if the girl was her girlfriend back on earth? 

Another sting of pain.

Probably, I mean look at her. The girl is gorgeous with her dark skin and the curly hair. Big, brown eyes and pouty lips. 

Another sting of pain. 

This time more painful. I turned the shower's heat lower and cold water ran down my back. I felt shivers running down my spine and decided to clear my mind, with thinking about something else. After a few more minutes I stepped out of the shower, wrapped a towel around my body and opened my hair. My reflection stared at me and I decided to go to bed. As soon as I arrived at my bed, I crawled on top of it and snuggled into my covers. 

Before my eyes fell shut I thought about Katie.

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