11. Altean?

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(Y/n) P.o.V:

I woke up and it felt like my head got squished together. The moment I opened my eyes I felt like falling. I fell foward and before I could colide with the floor two arms caught me. I blinked a few times and looked into the blueish eyes of the cuban male.

I felt dizzy and tried to remember his name. "La- Lance?", I asked. He nodded and smiled. "The one and only." Slowly he sat me down and said,  "Shiro will be here in a few. How are you feeling?", He asked caring.

I cleared my voice and scanned my surroundings. An open pod stood behind me so I guessed that I was in there. "I don't know. Dizzy? I guess.", I answered truthfully.

"W-What...happened?", I asked then. He gulped. "I think Shiro or Allura should explain it to you?", He whispered in a tone by which you could say he felt uncomfortable talking about it.

Speaking of them, my brother and the white haired princess entered the room. As Shiro spotted me, he ran to me and kneeled down next to me. I got wrapped into a tight hug. "Uf... I can't... breathe.", I mumbled into his shoulder, but still he didn't let go. After some time he finally did.

I tried to stand up and stumbled a bit. "So.. will anyone of you tell me what happened.", I asked. Shiro sighed. Allura did too. I became more worried as I already was.

"Look, We found something in you. Something Altean.", Shiro broke the silence. My eyes widened. What?

"Altean? What do you mean!? I am one hundred percent human?!", I yelled, clearly shocked. "No, calm down. It's not really Altean. You are human, don't worry.", Shiro cut me off.

I furrowed my brows. "What do you-"
"We found a piece of Altea in you. Behind your left ear is some kind of metalic plate and after some research we found out that it's Altean Metal. More specificly it's the same material as the one that the lions are made of.", Princess Allura explained.

"But I don't know how it got into your body.", She mumbled. "Well.. I know.", I said.

Suddenly three pair of widened eyes were all on me. Shiro bursted out. "You knew this plate is in you and you haven't said anything!?"

"I didn't want to cause any more trouble. But that's not the point! The galra implanted it, back when we were their prisoners.", I told them. All of a sudden a shower of memories and fear flooded through me and I shivered. "Is...Is it possible to.. have an operation? I just want to have this thing out of my body. I think it caused the headache, back when we were searching the blue lion.", I said.

Suddenly Alluras eyes widened. "The plate caused it? Maybe? ... No.."

She hesitated for a moment and had a confused-thinker look on her face. "Princess?", Shiro asked, so she would continue her suspect.

"Maybe... it is connected with all the lions. I mean since it's the same material it should work. Every lion need the other to form Voltron. So maybe this is a missing piece.", Allura questioned. I didn't understand a word but suddenly she looked serious and concerned.

"I mean.. yes. We could get rid of it and Coran and I will find a doctor who can do this. But maybe we could use it as our advantage.", She said calmly. "What do you mean?", Shiro and I both questioned.

"The Galra had their reason to implant this. I don't know where they got it from since Altea got distroyed but I know for sure that they wanted to use Y/n to find the other lions.

But if we use her to find them we will find them immediately.", She explained.

"No! I won't put my sister in another dangerous situation!", Shiro yelled angrily. But I took a step forward and cut him off, "I'll do it."

Shiro looked at me with disbelief, while Allura gave me a thankful and relieved glance.

Lance stood between them, clearly feeling uncomfortable in this intimitate situation.

"You won't!", Shiro snapped. "Shiro, listen. If I can kick those lilac assholes in their furry butts I'll do anything. Especially after what they did to you. And it's just a little headache, it won't kill me.", I chuckled deeply but his look got more worried.

"I've already put you in so much danger. I am so sorry. Please Y/n think! What if anything happens? What if you.. die? I can't let that happen.", Shiro sighed stressed, he knew I've already made my decision.

"Then I'll die as hero.", I winked at him. He deeply chuckled and pulled me into a hug. "Since when did my sister become so selfless and mature?"

"Since when is my brother such a crybaby?", I joked and he ruffled my hair. I then turned to the princess and said, "I'll do it. I am your official navigation-assistent for finding the other lions...

When will we start?"

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