Wasurerarenai Arc: Chapter 1

714 19 38

June 1983

A man surrounded in the darkness, swings a bat at two other bodies. He bashes the two bodies to death until dropping the bat slowly.


I woke up at the sound of birds chirping in the distance. I got up as I quickly had my breakfast and changed clothes. I walked out of the front door heading to find my team.

My name is Germany, I am part of the Axis, along with two other of my close friends. You could say I'm basically the leader of the group.

"Ciao Germany! Good morning!" A boy with auburn hair with a side curl sticking out says. He runs up to me and hugs me.

"You're early then usual. You could sleep in once in a while." I told him.

"But if I slept in, I'd be making you wait."

"And I'd ditch you." I said.

"Eh!? Germany you're mean I'll wait for you, why won't you wait for me?" He pouted. I turned my head towards him.

"I'm kidding, of course I'll wait for you." I told him.

"Grazie Germany!" He blushed while smiling at me. This cute nation who clings to me all the time is my best friend, Italy. I known him the longest, and he's my first friend I ever had. Even though he's naive and can be a idiot at times, he's still happy to be around. He always lightens up my day whenever I'm in a bad mood.

I felt his hand slowly making his way on mine. I blushed, but ignored it as it was usual thing we did every time we walked to the meeting. As we walked over the bridge, we noticed another man with black hair and emotionless eyes staring at us.

"Oh, Italy and Germany-san. Ohayo!" He bowed.

"Ciao Japan!" Italy waved at him.

"Guten morgen Japan. Did you sleep easily?" I asked him. He nods slowly.

"I always go to sleep quickly." He says as he tagged along with us. Unlike Italy, this country is more quiet and polite. That country, is Japan. He isn't as clingy as Italy. In fact, he likes to have his own personal space.

"Vee, I'm hungry Germany~!"

"Well why didn't you eat this morning?"


We as countries go to a world meeting. World meetings usually occur everyday in a week, while the weekend we get free time. The world meetings are filled with tons of countries. Some of the them, I don't even know. Usually when we get here it's all loud and full of chit chat all around. It would be either countries quarreling, or just sleeping or staring out into nothing.

The Allies are the worst throughout the meeting. First there was America, he is really loud and obnoxious. He would always say something stupid during the meeting. Everyday he would always be carrying some sort of junk food with him.

Then there was England. He's the stubborn one of out all of them. He is the one who starts fights with France everyday.

Then of course there was France. He's a total pervert! I can't stand him during meetings, trying not to punch him in the face. Italy and France were close when they were little. I guess France was the one who made him lose his innocence.

There was also China, who I don't really know that much about. All I know about him is that he and Japan are brothers. He is a good cook though.

Lastly there was Russia. I didn't find him scary like most of the  countries do, but I do find him a bit, unsettling. I don't know him that much like America does, but I do know the kind of history they had together.

The room got louder as I sighed and walked over to my seat. Italy sat next to me of course, while Japan sat next to Italy. I slammed my hand on the table, making the room silent.

"Everyone that is enough chit chatting!! It's time to get through today's meeting!" I strictly said, raising my voice. Nearly everyone in the room was looking at me.

"Today we are here to discuss our plans for the World Nation Festival! Any ideas?" I asked. I noticed England raising his hand.

"I suggest we serve some of my delicious scones during the festival." He said proudly. Nearly everyone in the room groaned.

"Dude, no one wants you're lame ass cooking during the festival." America says.

"Shut up wanker you used to love my cooking!"

"I think we should have a strip club. Ohonhonhon~!" France says.

"No way in hell frog face! In you're dreams!" England marched up to him.

"Eh!? Why do you have to be so mean to me!?" The two countries began to quarrel once again.

"I could always build a China Town for us to eat my tasty Chinese food during the festival." China suggests.

"Nah dude we should totally have a burger cook out!" America laughed as he sipped his soda. 

"We should serve more pasta there!" Italy loudly says. I sighed, irritated as the room began to get noisy once again. Hours seemed to pass by as the meeting was finally over. I sighed in relief, happy not to deal with a bunch of idiots.

"Meeting is dismissed!" I shouted. Everyone in the room begins to head out their ways. I began to walk out until I felt a tug behind me. I looked back and noticed Italy, staring at me.

"Ready to go?" He asks me. I looked down at him and smiled.

"Ja. Let's go." I said. When we finally reached my house, we went inside and flickered the lights on.  I noticed Italy turning towards me.

"I'm sleepy. I'm gonna take a siesta okay?" Italy smiled as he ran upstairs. I shake my head. That lazy Italian. I sat down on the couch and decided to watch some TV. I flipped through the channels until I noticed something odd. I flipped to the news channel and I heard something about the World Nation Festival. I continued listening for a few minutes until I heard murder in a sentence. My eyes widen as I carefully listened to the news report.

"In two days will be the World Nation Festival, which happens every 20 years. However, the last World Nation Festival had a murder case. There was also a nation that went missing around the same time, who was named Prussia." The news reporter announces.

My eyes widen as I heard the mention of my brother's name. I knew my brother disappeared 20 years ago, but I never knew there was a murder during the World Nation Festival. I didn't really want to hear anymore of it, so I switched the TV off.

"A murder..?" I asked myself. No, it was impossible for a country to die. Or is it?

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